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Q: What was the evil king's name in perseus and the gorgan slayer?
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Perseus goes to Polydectes' palace where all the evil men of the kingdom are gathered.

How is the evil Gordon's head is beneficial to Perseus?

The reflective surface of the evil Gordon's head in Greek mythology allowed Perseus to safely view Medusa's reflection without turning to stone. This enabled Perseus to defeat Medusa without direct eye contact.

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no because a watcher trains a slayer to defeat evil like th new poltergise that's on the loos

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They are in the Versus Mode. Buy the RE5 Gold edition or buy it from X360 Marketplace for 400 MP.

Which characters are in perseus and Medusa?

okay here's all that I know... Perseus - the hero medusa - the non-human demon/monster the 3 grey sisters - they only have one eye and one tooth between them and Perseus steals it from them in order to be told where medusa's lair is two gods/godesses - the donors who give perseus his shoes and sword to kill medusa. perseus' mum - she is captured by the evil king evil king ( can't remember name!!) - is in love with perseus' mum but she refuses to marry him so he captures her. thats all of them, i think:)

What is the theme of perseus?

The main themes of the story of Perseus include heroism, fate, and the struggle between good and evil. Perseus's journey to defeat Medusa and rescue Andromeda embodies these themes as he overcomes challenges and fulfills his destiny as a hero.

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There were many bad kings in Israel, Jehu was the worst.

What pair of kings episode do Brady and mikayla kiss?

no but i wish they did :(

What is the theme of the myth perseus and medusa?

The theme of the Perseus and Medusa myth is the triumph of good over evil, as Perseus uses his bravery, cunning, and divine assistance to defeat the monstrous Medusa. It also explores the concepts of heroism, fate, and the consequences of hubris, as Perseus must navigate divine intervention and the pitfalls of his own pride.

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How the evil Gorgon's head beneficial to Perseus?

The gorgon's head turned others who would fight against him to stone.