Cusco, Peru
The Incan capital is Cuzco.The story is that the sun god created the first Incan and they went to establish a city and named it Cuzco.Hope this helps all you social studies people!
The spaniards conquered the Incan empire and forced them to become catholic
In 1532, Francisco Pizarro (Spanish) arrived at Peru. In 1536, Cuzco (the capital city of the Incan empire) was visibly lost and defeated.
The reason those roads all led to Cuzco, was because it was the capital. Interesting Factoid: The Incan's worshiped a sun god named Inti.
Cuzco was the capital of the Incan empire.Cuzco was the capital of the Incan empire.Cuzco was the capital of the Incan empire.Cuzco was the capital of the Incan empire.Cuzco was the capital of the Incan empire.Cuzco was the capital of the Incan empire.Cuzco was the capital of the Incan empire.Cuzco was the capital of the Incan empire.Cuzco was the capital of the Incan empire.
Yes it was.
Cuzco was the capital cityCuzco.
Cusco, Peru
Its named Tahuantinsuyu.
The Incan capital is Cuzco.The story is that the sun god created the first Incan and they went to establish a city and named it Cuzco.Hope this helps all you social studies people!
The Incan Empire was 2500 miles long.
The spaniards conquered the Incan empire and forced them to become catholic
Francisco Pizarro was a Spanish conquistador who conquered the Incan Empire and set up the current capital of Peru at Lima.
In 1532, Francisco Pizarro (Spanish) arrived at Peru. In 1536, Cuzco (the capital city of the Incan empire) was visibly lost and defeated.
The reason those roads all led to Cuzco, was because it was the capital. Interesting Factoid: The Incan's worshiped a sun god named Inti.