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Thermopylae.480 BCE.

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Q: What was the battle where 300 Spartans fought in the Persian Empire?
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Why the Battle of Thermopylae was fought?

It was fought to protect the Spartan and Greek homeland from the invading Persian Empire.

Who fort in the Thermopoleye?

The Battle of Thermopylae was fought between a Greek confederation of soldiers and the armies of the Persian Empire. The Greeks were led by a contingent of elite Spartans aided by thousands of slaves and other Greek soldiers.

What does the battle of marathon salamis and thermopylae have in common?

They were all part of the Persian attempt to subdue troubles to its empire from the city-states of mainland Greece.

What is the greatest battle ever fought?

some people like me would say the battle of Thermopylae between the greek empire(Spartans) with king leonidos and his 300 men. Against the Persian army lead by Xerxes of around 10,000 troops which eventually after carnage won the battle.

What was the name of the war the Spartans fought the Persians?

The Spartans combined with the other southern Greek states to repel a Persian invasion designed to incorporate mainland Greece within the Persian empire in 480-479 BCE.It is often called today the Persian War, however the Greeks fought the Persians off and on over two hundred years.

What was the location where 300 Spartans fought the Persian army called?


What is the battl of the 300 Spartans known as?

The Battle of Thermopylae is the historical name for the battle where the 300 Spartans fought.

Who fought in Battle of Thermopylae?

The Spartans and the Persians

Who was the battle of marathon fought by?

An expeditionary force from the Persian Empire and the combined armies of Athens and its ally Plataia.

Did Athens defeat the spartians in the battle of Marathon?

No. It defeated a Persian expeditionary force. Athens and Sparta were then friends. Pheidippides ran to Sparta to summon them to help, but the Spartans didn't arrive in time before the battle was fought.

Who is king leonidus?

King Leonidus was the ruler of the Spartans. He fought in the battle between the 300 Spartans and the Persians

Who did the Spartans fight in the battle of Thermypolae?

The spartans fought the persain horde of barbarains of five thousand men