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Scheria was home to the Phaecians who took Odysseus home.

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Q: What was the Home of the people who took Odysseus home?
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How did Poseidon get revenge on Odysseus and his crew?

Poseidon prevented them from sailing straight back home. Instead it took Odysseus 10 years to get home.

What was the adventure that took Odysseus ten years?

returning home from war

Why did the Phaecians take Odysseus home?

The Phaecians took Odysseus home because it had always been there custom to return lost travelers back to their homes. Furthermore, they were good and gracious hosts.

What was Odysseus' journey in The Odyssey?

Odysseus (also known as Ulysses) took part in the Trojan War. The Odyssey is the tale of his troublsome voyage home to Ithaka, which took 20 years.

Why didn't Odysseus leave the Trojan War?

He did. It just took him a long time to get back home.

How long did take Odysseus to reach his home in Ithaca?

The Trojan War lasted ten years. The journey home usually took around two weeks. It took him 10 years.

How is the word Odyssey related to Odysseus journey?

The word odyssey is related to odysseus journey because the word odyssey means a long journey and odysseus journey home took him 20 years

Why did Odysseus go to the Cicones?

Odysseus went to Ismarus, land of the Cicones, because it was on his way home, and his men were still in great spirits after the victory at Troy. There they took the wives and much booty.

What is a fact about the Odyssey character Poseidon?

Poseidon despised Odysseus. He hated him because Odysseus took Polyphemus (Poseidon's Son) eye. Polyphemus later Prayed to his father and told him to Curse Odysseus. Which Poseidon made a curse that made it harder for Odysseus to get home.

How did Harriet tubman help the special people she took in to her home?

Harriet Tubman helped the special people she took into her home by helping them to escape through the Underground Railroad.

Why did it take ten years for Odysseus to make it home?

It took Odysseus 20 years to make it home. 10 years at Troy and then another 10 years trying to get home. The reasons he doesn't make it home is because he has made Poseidon (god of the sea) mad. Also he runs into goddesses that keep him on their island to "take them to bed", and his ship mates open the bag of winds that takes them off course.

How many years did it take for The Iliad to get home?

You mean Odysseus, don't you? It took about ten years for him to get home after the Greeks won in the Trojan War (it also lasted 10 years). The journey home is described in the Odyssey, also written(?) by Homer, and is full of adventures.