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Her vital role was to be an Interpreter for Hernando Cortez.

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Q: What was malinche's vital role in the spaniards conquest of the Aztecs?
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Describe the surroundings in a town during medieval times?

areas where people could easily meet, such as crossroads or rivers. Towns needed more water than villages, so a nearby water supply was vital. Rivers would provide the water used for washing and drinking

How is Eris important to the beginning of the Trojan War?

Eris was truly vital to that war's beginning, because it was SHE who threw the Apple of Discord and it was SHE who cackled softly about how "the Trojan war will be the bloodiest, longest, and most harrowing war in the history of mankind." (For more information about the Trojan war, read the kids version of Aeneas.)

What were the different classes in Aztec society?

The highest class were the pīpiltin or nobility. This status was not hereditary but later the class system took on hereditary aspects. The second class were the mācehualtin, originally peasants. Only around 20% of the population was dedicated to agriculture and food production. The other 80% of society were warriors, artisans and traders. Their works were an important source of income for the city.Slaves or tlacotin also constituted an important class. Aztecs could become slaves because of debts, as a criminal punishment or as war captives. A slave could have possessions and even own other slaves. However, all of the slave's animals and excess money would go to his purchaser. Slaves could buy their liberty, and slaves could be set free if they had children with or were married to their masters. Upon the death of the master, slaves who had performed outstanding services were freed. The rest of the slaves were passed on as part of an inheritance.Traveling merchants called pochtecah were a small, but important class as they not only facilitated commerce, but also communicated vital information across the empire and beyond its borders. They were often employed as spies.

Was the upper class afraid of the lower class revolting in ancient rome?

Slavery in the ancient world and in Rome was vital to both the economy and even the social fabric of the society. Not only did slavery help push the Roman lower classes into organized mobs, but the slaves themselves understandably revolted against oppression. A revolt by Spartacus made the upper class aware that revolts could be bad for the empire.

Did Athena fight?

Yes, Athena was known to be a formidable warrior and a skilled strategist. She fought alongside the Greeks in the Trojan War and played a vital role in their victory. However, she was primarily associated with wisdom, intelligence, and strategic warfare rather than physical combat.

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Did Aztecs farm their land for food and crops?

Yes, the Aztecs were skilled farmers who cultivated their land for food and crops. They used advanced agricultural techniques such as chinampas, floating gardens on water, to grow crops like maize, beans, and squash. Agriculture was a vital part of their economy and society.

Is vital a noun?

No the word vital is an adjective. For example: The heart is vital to surviving.

Can you list all the words in the world that have a V in them?

vital, vital, vital vanes vomit

What duties are of FARMs and RCs in regard to vital records?

ensure all staff are informed about vital recordsensure that the edentification of vital records is current and completeensure that vital records and copies of vital records are adequately protectedEnsure vital records and copies of vital records are adequately protected, accessable, and immediately usable; ensure that all staff are informed about vital records; ensure the identification of vital records is current and complete.

What is the birth name of Vital Filho?

Vital Filho's birth name is Vital Paulino Filho.

What is vital registration?

vital registration is concerned with the recording of key life cycle or vital events,

What does it mean when told your vital?

I'm guess you mean "you're vital", not "your vital". As in, someone told you "you are vital", and not "your vital [something]", like "your vital cat is annoying". Look up the difference between the words "you're" and "your". While you're at it, learn the difference between "it's" and "its". Ok, end of my rant. Anyway. Assuming you mean to say that someone told you, "you're vital", it means you are needed. You are vital to this project. Money is vital to paying your bills. Water is vital for surviving. Hopefully your significant other will tell you, "You are vital to my existence." There are a few other contexts of the word vital, but this is probably the one you're curious about. Go to and key in "vital" to see what I mean. Best of luck!

How do you use the word vital in sentence?

If we may learn something new from them, they remain vital to us. A nutritious diet and regular exercise are vital to good health. She survived the cancer because it never spread to her vital organs.

What are the lungs called?

They are called vital organs. Vital Tongans, Vital Tongans,

What is the plural form of vital?

"Vital" is an adjective. It doesn't have a plural form. The noun form of "vital" is "vitality".

Is the kindney a vital organs in the body?

yes .it is vital

What is the birth name of Geymond Vital?

Geymond Vital's birth name is Vital Gernard Geymond.