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We have no knowledge of Cleopatra's early life. She first becomes a major player in history at the age of 22. Everything before that time is speculation.

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Larry Ritchie

Lvl 12
2y ago
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12y ago

it was very hard considering that she killed her siblings to become queen and her having to have married her 2 brothers and 2 other men and one of them being a Roman had 4 children,but none with her brother's.She died form suicide by having an asp bite her and poison her and at the time of her death she was married to Marc Antony who was murdered under the order of Octavian and his sister was married to MARC ANTONY then he divorced her for cleopatra.Octavia took care of Cleopatra's children after their death and Cleopatra was the last ruler of Egypt because it came under roman power.

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