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Q: What was at the top of the anu ziggurat white temple?
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What was the name for a stepped tower with a temple on top?

A ziggurat.

What are the four parts of a ziggurat?

The four parts of a ziggurat are the temple at the top, the staircases leading up to it, the courtyard area, and the base or platform where the ziggurat is built.


a pyramid-shaped structure with a temple at the top where the god lived

What is on top of a ziggurat?

The top of a ziggurat is a flat platform. There are some instances where a temple or other ceremonial structure was placed on the platform but not all ziggurats had/have such structures.

In a sumerian city was the temple called a ziggurat?

A ziggurat is what the people used to worship their the very top room people believe that the gods went up there to be closer to the people on land. see the link below for a picture of a ziggurat.

What is a pyramid-shaped structure with a temple a the top?


How do you use the word ziggurat in a sentence?

The ancient temple was built on top of a ziggurat, a massive stepped structure that towered over the city.

What was the shrine at the top of the ziggurat called?

The shrine at the top of the ziggurat was called a temple. It was considered the most sacred part of the ziggurat and was dedicated to a specific deity or god in Mesopotamian religion. Temples were where rituals and offerings were made to honor the gods.

What is a sentence that uses definition context clues to show the meaning of the word ziggurat?

A ziggurat, a type of pyramid, is usually used for religious purposes.

Is a ziggurat and a temple the same thing?

No, a ziggurat is a type of ancient Mesopotamian stepped pyramid structure that was used as a platform for a temple. A temple, on the other hand, is a building dedicated to religious or spiritual activities and rituals. Temples can take various forms and are not necessarily built on top of ziggurats.