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Q: What was Spartacus' real name?
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How many children did Spartacus have?

There is no record of children. Plutarch says Spartacus had a wife, a Thracian who was enslaved with him. The name Spartacus is otherwise attested in the Black Sea region: kings of the Thracian dynasty of the Cimmerian Bosporus and Pontus are known to have borne it, and a Thracian "Spardacus" or "Sparadokos", father of Seuthes I of the Odrysae, is also known.

Was Plutarch an eyewitness to the Spartacus revolt?

No, the Spartacus revolt happened about 188 years before Plutarch was born.No, the Spartacus revolt happened about 188 years before Plutarch was born.No, the Spartacus revolt happened about 188 years before Plutarch was born.No, the Spartacus revolt happened about 188 years before Plutarch was born.No, the Spartacus revolt happened about 188 years before Plutarch was born.No, the Spartacus revolt happened about 188 years before Plutarch was born.No, the Spartacus revolt happened about 188 years before Plutarch was born.No, the Spartacus revolt happened about 188 years before Plutarch was born.No, the Spartacus revolt happened about 188 years before Plutarch was born.

How did spartacus influence history?

Spartacus is thought to have influenced and encouraged rebellions across the Globe.

What does the word spartacus mean?

Spartacus was s Thracian slave who led a revolt against Rome. Died 71Bc

How did spartacus die?

Spartacus is thought to have died during thefinal battle of the Servile Warin 71 BCE. The remainder of his men were crucified by the Romans

Related questions

How did spartcus get his name?

He could have received it from his parents, if Spartacus was his real name, or he could have been given that name as a fighter, by the owner of his gladiatorial school.He could have received it from his parents, if Spartacus was his real name, or he could have been given that name as a fighter, by the owner of his gladiatorial school.He could have received it from his parents, if Spartacus was his real name, or he could have been given that name as a fighter, by the owner of his gladiatorial school.He could have received it from his parents, if Spartacus was his real name, or he could have been given that name as a fighter, by the owner of his gladiatorial school.He could have received it from his parents, if Spartacus was his real name, or he could have been given that name as a fighter, by the owner of his gladiatorial school.He could have received it from his parents, if Spartacus was his real name, or he could have been given that name as a fighter, by the owner of his gladiatorial school.He could have received it from his parents, if Spartacus was his real name, or he could have been given that name as a fighter, by the owner of his gladiatorial school.He could have received it from his parents, if Spartacus was his real name, or he could have been given that name as a fighter, by the owner of his gladiatorial school.He could have received it from his parents, if Spartacus was his real name, or he could have been given that name as a fighter, by the owner of his gladiatorial school.

What was Spartacus's last name?

There is no other name on record except Spartacus. Almost nothing is known of the man before his enslavement. Also we don't even know if "Spartacus" was the man's real name. It could very well have been a pseudonym that he used. The name Spartacus connoted the city of Sparta, known for its fighters, and would fit very well as a stage name for a gladiator.

Why was Spartacus named Spartacus?

If Spartacus was his real name his parents gave it to him, just as our parents name us. If it was a name given to him by the owner of his gladiatorial school, it was more than likely a name associated with a Spartan, which has a connotation of a strong fighter.

Where was the real gladiator named Spartacus born?

Spartacus was a Thracian gladiator.

Spartacus what nationality is the name?

The name "Spartacus" is a Latin name. It had no nationality as such. The rebel gladiator Spartacus was said to be from Thrace and also was said to have served in the Roman army. Many auxiliaries either Latinized their names or changed them completely to a Latin (Roman) name.

Was agrippa the roman gladiator real?

Yes, the man called Spartacus was a real gladiator. He fought in the Thracian style.Yes, the man called Spartacus was a real gladiator. He fought in the Thracian style.Yes, the man called Spartacus was a real gladiator. He fought in the Thracian style.Yes, the man called Spartacus was a real gladiator. He fought in the Thracian style.Yes, the man called Spartacus was a real gladiator. He fought in the Thracian style.Yes, the man called Spartacus was a real gladiator. He fought in the Thracian style.Yes, the man called Spartacus was a real gladiator. He fought in the Thracian style.Yes, the man called Spartacus was a real gladiator. He fought in the Thracian style.Yes, the man called Spartacus was a real gladiator. He fought in the Thracian style.

When did spartacus become a gladiator?

Spartacus became a gladiator when he was captured and trained. I know this is not a very specific answer, but we know very, very little about Spartacus, the man. We don't even know if "Spartacus" was his real name. He comes into history as a leader of a slave revolt and leaves history as a defeated enemy.

What country was Spartacus made in?

Spartacus isn't a real city but it was based off of the country greece

What is spartacus complete name?

We don't know. All we actually know about him is that he was from Thrace, and led a slave revolt. The name Spartacus may not even have been his real name. It sounds very much like a stage name, taken from the Spartans who were renown for their fighting. This would be a great stage name for a gladiator.

Where do you find out about the story of Spartacus?

The key parts of the story about the real Roman gladiator Spartacus can be found in a history book about the Roman Republic.

What is spartacus's birth name?


Is spartacus real?

yes, he was he fought in wars and led a uprising