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When Hermes arrived on Cyclopes Odysseus was crying of homesickness.

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Q: What was Odysseus doing when Hermes arrived on the island of cyclopes?
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What was Odysseus doing when Hermes arrived on the island of calpyso?


What was Odysseus doing when Hermes arrived on the island or Calypso?

Odysseus was weeping on the shore of Calypso's island, feeling trapped and longing to return home. Hermes arrived to deliver Zeus's message that Odysseus must be allowed to leave the island and continue his journey back to Ithaca.

How many men did Odysseus have left when he arrived home?

None. They all were killed, but one man was left on the island of the cyclopes, who is mentioned in the Aeneid.

What was Odysseus doing when Hermes doing arrived on the island of Calypso?

He sat weeping on the beach. (Odyssey, book 5, line 82. Was that your home assignment?)

What was calypso doing when Hermes arrived on the island?

Singing and weaving

How does Odysseus show cleverness in The Odyssey?

in the odyssey, odysseus show cleverness in many ways. He show cleverness when on the island with the cyclopes. With the cyclopes killing his men odyssues must fin a way to keep most of his men alive. So he gets the cyclopes drunk with wine and telling him he is nohbody. then when the cyclopes falls asleep odysseus staps the cyclopes in the eye. When he escapes the cyclpose he makes him look stupid making the cyclopes scream "nohbody did this Nohbody did this!"

Why did Odysseus go to visit the cyclops?

They had been driven by storm to an island near the land of the cyclopes. The next morning Odysseus decided to see what land that was. Nobody knew about the cyclopes. To understand the Odyssey I recommend you read it.

Why does the god and goddesses punished Odysseus?

Odysseus hurt the Cyclopes, son of Posiedon. Polyphemus cursed Odysseus upon hisexit from the island. Posiedon then proceeded to punish Odysseus for his hurting of his son.

Who suggests Odysseus should leave kirkes island?

Hermes, the messenger god, suggests to Odysseus that he should leave Circe's island and continue his journey home to Ithaca. Hermes warns Odysseus about the danger of staying too long on the island and advises him on how to break Circe's spell.

What does Odysseus think of the way the Cyclopes live?

Ulysses (Odysseus) first impression of the cyclopes was that they were strong, feirce creatures. Odysseus was a very clever man and too clever for the cyclopes. I dont think that the cyclopes' way of life appeals to Odysseus because they arent very active. Think about it, they live on the same island all their lives while Odysseus is out on the open see trying to get back home to Ithica. no.............odysseus thinks they are disorganized and filthy creatures......and a bunch of other things

Who was Hermes in The Odyssey?

Hermes is the messenger that tells the witch that is keeping Odysseus on her island that she will have to let him go or stay of his own accord because poseidon believed that Odysseus had learned his lesson

Why weren't there other cyclopes on Polyphemus's island in The Sea of Monsters?

Odysseus tricked Polythemus by telling him that his name was "Nohbdy." When Polythemus shouted for help, he yelled "Help, NOHBDY has blinded me." When the other cyclopes heard that NOBODY had hurt him, they laughed and went back to their own business.