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Marys profession was a housewife.

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Q: What was Mary's profession before the birth of Jesus?
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What time period happened before the birth of Jesus?

BC or before Christ.

What does A D mean in dates?

The AD stands for After Death in reference to Jesus Christ. ie a date like 200 bc means 200 years before the birth of Jesus Christ, and 2000 ad means 2000 years after Jesus Christ`s death. AD is a Latin term "Anno Domini" meaning "the Year of Our Lord" and references Jesus' birth not his death. So 2000 a.d. means 2000 years after Jesus' birth not after his death. And 100 b.c. means 100 years before Jesus birth. So time was divided by the birth of Jesus alone not his birth and his death. Events are considered happening before his birth or after his birth. AD doesn't have anything to do with Jesus' death.