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Arachne was a mortal who thought she was better at weaving than Athena. They had a competition, and Arachne's weaving showed gods having affairs, and that really ticked Athena off. So, Athena turned Arachne into a spider.

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Q: What was Arachne the goddess of?
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What is a physical description for the greek goddess arachne?

After the weaving contest the goddess Athena slashed Arachne's face and Arachne turned into a spider. Because of this Arachne is normally depicted as a scarred weaver or a spider.

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Who is the goddess of spiders?

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she was a mortal, that's why it was such an insult to Athena

What are Athena's fears?

Spiders because Arachne challenged Athena to a weaving competion (Athena is the goddess of weaving as well) Athena got mad and turned Arachne in to a Spider.

What is the differences between arachne and Athena?

Both are wonderful weavers, Athena is a immortal and ageless goddess and Arachne is a proud and stubborn mortal.

Why was Athena angry with Arachne?

Arachne was better at weaving than her, and Athena was the goddess of household crafts, so Arachne being better than her made Athena angry.

Who challenged Athena in a weaving contest?

The maiden that was changed into a spider after challenging goddess Athena to a weaving contest was Arachne.

Who was the Greek goddess of the loom?

Athena. She punished Arachne for her pride with loom spinning.

What is the prevailing mood of arachne?

The prevailing mood of "Arachne" is one of tension and competitiveness, as the story revolves around a weaving contest between the mortal Arachne and the goddess Athena. Arachne's arrogance and defiance against the gods contribute to a sense of conflict and impending confrontation.