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she was the ruler of love.

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Q: What was Aphrodite the ruler of?
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Aphrodite was the ruler of?

aphrodite was not a ruler but a goddess and daughter of zeas. she was the goddess of love and beauty.

What area did Aphrodite ruled over?

Aphrodite was the ruler of love and beauty

How old is aphrodite the ruler of love and beauty?

Greek gods are ageless and immortal, thus their age is unknown.

What goddess was born from the foam of the sea?

The god's name is Venus, or in greek mythology, Aphrodite. Venus is the goddess of love and beauty, and can easily make someone fall in love with someone else. She is considered the prettiest god in both greek and roman mythology.

What are interesting facts about Aphrodite?

she is the god of beauty and loveYou bet I can!Aphrodite is the Greek Goddess of loveAphrodite is never depicted as a childAphrodite was married to one man (Hephaestus) but loved another (Ares)Aphrodite's Roman name is VenusAphrodite lost some of her beauty through the stress of parenthoodAphrodite was born out of the sea (aphros means foam)Aphrodite put the curse on Medusa, giving her the famous snake hairAphrodite's father is Zeus, ruler of Mt Olympus.

What was the prize of the three rival goddess?

Hera, that he would be a powerful ruler Athena, that he would achieve great military fame Aphrodite, that he should have the fairest woman in the world.

What was Aphrodite ruler of?

Her powers were love an attraction between persons she would hear prayers of people to help them to findthere soul mates. :D ----- Aphrodite is the Greek Goddess of beauty, love, and sexuality. She rules over the planet Venus. Her Roman equivalent is named after the planet, and is associated with love, beauty, and fertility.

Who is Aphrodite nemesis?


What is the song that has Aphrodite in the lyrics?

Aphrodite's Tears by Salem, Aphrodite of Hatred by Izakaron, Aphrodite's Winter by Cathedral, Aphrodite by Ash, Aphrodite Marine by Misanthrope, Green-Eyed Aphrodite by The Cable Car Theory...I don't know that many, are any of those it?

Who is Aphrodite and what did she do?

Aphrodite is the god of beauty

Did Ares have children?

Yes Ares had: Eros with Aphrodite Anteros with Aphrodite Phobos with Aphrodite Deimos with Aphrodite Harmonia with Aphrodite Adrestia with Aphrodite Phlegyas with Chryse or Dotis

What is the parade of Aphrodite called?

krewe of aphrodite