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coal mining, gold mining

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Q: What types of mining were first used?
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Related questions

What types of minnings are there?

The types of mining are shaft mining, strip mining, surface mining, and subsurface mining.

What are types of minning?

The types of mining are shaft mining, strip mining, surface mining, and subsurface mining.

What type of mining is used when mining for coal?

There are five main types of coal mining; shaft, strip, slope, surface, and draft.

What are the different kinds of mining?

The three types of mining -strip mining,open pit mining,and shaft mining

What are the machines used to mine diamond?

Your answer depends on the type of diamond mining that interests you. The types are Artisanal Mining, Hard Rock Mining, Marine Mining, Open Pit Mining and Placer Mining. You can read about the equipment used in each type of mining below:

What are different types of mining?

what are the different types of surface mining

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What are the different types of mines?

THERE ARE DIFFERENT TYPES OF MINING SUCH AS SURFACE MINING,open cast mining, strip mining,alluvial mining,quarrying mining,underground mining,and drilling

Two types of mining?

Underground mining surface mining

What are two types of mining?

The two types of mining are Open-cast mining and Underground mining. Underground mining is further divided in to Adit mining and Shaft mining.

What are the types of gold mining?

There's placer mining, and hardrock mining.

What kind of mining is done in peru?

All types of mining from copper mining to gold mining to zinc mining.