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She said she would choose one of them as a husband when she had finished the tapestry she was working on. But at night she unpicked many of the stitches she had done that day.

The tapestry was a pall (covering for a dead body) for Odysseus' father Laertes.
She asked them to wait for her to finish weaving a tapestry for her husband's father. She'd weave by day then unpick the loom at night.

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Q: What trick did Penelope use to hold off the suitors?
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How did Penelope hold off the suitors?

for 3 years, she would weave and undo the weave day and night !

How long did Penelope put off suitors in the Odyssey?

twenty years

How does Telemachus show strength with Penelope?

Telemachus shows strength with Penelope by reassuring her of his commitment to their family and by taking on a more assertive role in making decisions regarding their household. He also stands up to the suitors who are vying for Penelope's hand in marriage, demonstrating his loyalty and protection towards his mother.

What is a Penelope?

Penelope ( weaving with bark ) is the wife of far-flung Odysseus, fending off suitors until her husband's return. In myth, she is also the mother of Pan, by Mercury, some say, or by all of the suitors (!). So, a Penelope is someone who puts off making a choice, or who keeps faith in the teeth of pressure to be 'reasonable" and abandon it.

What is penelope?

Penelope ( weaving with bark ) is the wife of far-flung Odysseus, fending off suitors until her husband's return. In myth, she is also the mother of Pan, by Mercury, some say, or by all of the suitors (!). So, a Penelope is someone who puts off making a choice, or who keeps faith in the teeth of pressure to be 'reasonable" and abandon it.

What happens to Penelope while Odysseus absence?

While Odysseus is absent, Penelope remains faithful to him and fends off numerous suitors who try to take advantage of his long absence to marry her and claim his throne. She devises clever schemes to delay choosing a new husband, such as weaving and unweaving a shroud for Odysseus' father Laertes. Penelope's loyalty and cunning are key elements of her character in Homer's epic poem "The Odyssey."

In book one of the Odyssey what is threatening Penelope and her family's happiness?

Odysseus going off to war, and suitors descending.

What impression of Penelope do you get from her conversation with the disguised Odysseus?

Penelope comes across as clever, cautious, and perceptive during her conversation with the disguised Odysseus. She tests him with questions and ultimately reveals her shrewdness and loyalty to her husband through their interaction.

In the odyssey how is Penelope brave?

She fights off the advances of the mnesteres, the unruly group of suitors who want the throne of Ithaka, with many tricks.She believes that her husband is alive and will return against all odds.

What does A Penelope mean in Greek mythology?

A Penelope refers to the wife of Odysseus, who remained home while he was off fighting in the Trojan War. She was a very good wife; though many suitors pursued her, she never gave in, and she tricked them all so that she could wait for Odysseus to return home to her.

Why can't Penelope finish weaving the robe in the Odyssey?

In the Odyssey, Penelope unravels the robe she weaves during the day, so she never finishes it. She uses this as a ploy to delay remarrying and to ward off suitors who are pressuring her to choose a new husband. By promising to pick a suitor once she completes the robe, she buys herself time to keep Odysseus' identity hidden.

What is it that Penelope weaves in honor of Laertes or Odysseus in some stories in an effort to ward off the suitors?

Penelope weaves a shroud for Laertes, Odysseus' father, in an attempt to delay her suitors while she waits for Odysseus to return. She promises to choose a suitor once the shroud is completed, but she unravels her weaving every night to buy more time.