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He assembled an army and a fleet, but was assassinated on the eve of his departure. His son Alexander took over the mission.

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Q: What things did Philip II do to defeat the Persian Empire?
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What are the 2 things Alexander the Great acomplished?

Carrying out he project left to him by his father Philip II of Macedonia after h was assassinated - the takeover of the Persian Empire. Satisfying his own ambition to be the greatest and so be remembered for all time. In an age where there was no concept of an after life after death, if peole remembered you, you lived on in their minds.

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What two good things about life under the Persian Empire?

Security, stability, freedom of religion, self local government, economic improvement.

What are the things that held the Persian empire together for two centuries?

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What two things led to the Persian Wars?

1. The mainland Greek cities supported revolutions by the Greek cities in Asia Minor within the Persian Empire. 2. The punitive expedition against Athens failed at Marathon, so the Persians decided that the only way to put an end to continuing disturbances was to incorporate mainland Greece within their Empire and so stop disruptions to peace within the Empire.

What important things happened during the battle of thermopylae?

The Greek alliance fleet failed to defeat the Persian fleet in the nearby strait of Axxxxx, which was the reason to block the Thermopylai pass - to force the sea battle.

What three things led to the Persian Wars?

The Greek cities within the Persian Empire revolted and were put down. Athens and Eretria from peninsular Greece intervened, embroiling the Greek cities of mainland Greece. The Persian king became convinced that the only way to ensure peace was to bring all the Greek cities under his control.

What where the things Alexander the Great did to be great?

He conquered the Persian Empire. Whether the killing and misery of ten years of war was great is a matter for thought, however the people of his time gave him that title.