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Mr. Brunner asks Percy to detail when the Greek Titan Kronos ate his own children while they are at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

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Kevin Stringer

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4y ago
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Q: What story from Greek mythology dose me.brunner ask percy?
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How does Percy's real name foreshadow what may happen?

Percy's real name according to the story is "Perseus"; a name taken from ancient Greek mythology.

Is Percy Jackson a good series?

Yes. It's fantastic for teens. It's a fictional story about Greek Mythology. Very intense.

What tv show relates to greek mythology?

"Olympus" is a TV show that relates to Greek mythology. It follows the story of a young man named Hero who embarks on a quest to uncover his true destiny while encountering various gods, monsters, and legendary creatures from Greek mythology.

Is the Medusa story a true Greek story?

No, Medusa is from Greek mythology.

What genre is the Percy Jackson book?

I would say fantasy, due to the fact Greek Mythology greatly influences the plot. It is fantasy-adventure.

What was Percy's description of the weight of the sky?

In Greek mythology, Percy described the weight of the sky as being like the weight of a mountain pressuring down on his shoulders. This refers to the story of Atlas, a Titan condemned to hold up the sky for eternity.

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Should you read Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief?

Yes. It's really cool if you know a lot about Greek mythology, but you don't have to know it at all to understand the story to a certain extent.

Are the story about the greek gods true?

No, they are myths. Hence the term Greek Mythology.

Who was cupid in Greek mythology?

Cupid was not Greek but Roman. The Greek god Eros had no girlfriend. The story of Cupid and Psyche is a Roman story.

Did Percy drink Gorgon's blood?

Yes, in Greek mythology, Percy Jackson does drink Gorgon blood to heal Annabeth in "The Last Olympian." Drinking Gorgon blood is known to have healing properties in Greek mythology, and Percy makes the sacrifice to save Annabeth's life.

Who was Cupid's girlfriend in Greek mythology?

Cupid was not Greek but Roman. The Greek god Eros had no girlfriend. The story of Cupid and Psyche is a Roman story.