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Q: What simple machines were used in ancient china?
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How do people use simple machine in ancient history?

Simple machines were used quite frequently in ancient history. Simple machines were used as building blocks for the machines that are used today.

How can simple machines be used?

Simple machines can be used to transport things.

What is Force you put into simple machines?

Tension is the force being used in Simple Machines. As well as simple machines may have a little gravity used, tension is the most used.

How often are simple machines used?

they use simple machines for everything and every where.

What Simple Machines are in a wine cask?

What Simple Machines are used in a Wine Cask?

How do simple machines make work about the same?

They do not. Simple machines reduce the effort used to do a task.

What simple machines did the Aztecs have?

They used shovels

What are the types of simple machines and what do they do?

Simple machines are any device used to change the direction and or magnitude of a force. Levers, pulleys, wheels, and the inclined plane are all examples of simple machines.

What simple machines is a fulcrum used for?

A fulcrum is used for the simplest of all machines - the lever.

How is force affect when a simple machine is used?

simple machines are used by being pulled or pushed

What simple machines make up lawn mowers?

There are four simple machines used to make the compound machine known as the lawn mower. These simple machines are the wheel and axle, the screw, the lever, and the wedge.

How were the simple machines used in the colonial times?
