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Odysseus not only uses his admittedly muscular body, but he uses his brain. Odysseus is a master of deception (although he has yet to master his pride), and his mind is always active, thinking of new possibilities. Where other men would give up in despair, Odysseus presses on. This is what sets him apart from other Greek heroes.

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Q: What sets Odysseus apart from other heroes?
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Why does Athena visit Telemachus?

Athena visits Telemachus to give him strength, courage, and encouragement. She also sets him on his way to ready for Odysseus eventual return to Ithaca. She gets Telemachus to go on a boat provided by Noemon to search for word of Odysseus' fate. He first went to Pylos, and then on to the court of Menelaus (in Sparta) to get word. She then provided several other instances of help, including protecting Telemachus, protecting Odysseus.

What were some of Penelope's cunning plans in the odyssey?

1. (XXI.85-) When Penelope sets out the axes and challenges the suitors to archery, knowing only Odysseus will be able to shoot it. 2. (XXIII.197-202) Penelope commands Eurycleia to move the unmovable bed (that Odysseus himself built) so that Odysseus (before Penelope believes it to be him) will have sleeping accomodations. Odysseus then opposes that idea, claiming that the bed cannot be moved, convincing Penelope that it truly is Odysseus. Only Odysseus, Penelope, and Eurycleia know about the bed being unmovable.

What does Poseidon do to prevent Odysseus from returning?

a would have to be a flat character or a round characterno idea what that last sentence was about... anyway he stirres up storms and sets horrible monsters oN THEM I THINK.

What happened to Odysseus' men when they went to Circe's palace?

When Odysseus' advance party discover Circe's palace in the middle of the forest, Circe [Falcon] invites them in and gives them a meal. The men all behave disrespectfully so Circe makes the food with a magical poison, and all of the sailors are transformed into pigs, except Eurylochus - who expected a trap and has eaten nothing. Eurylochus escapes and warns Odysseus. Odysseus sets out to rescue his men, but is intercepted by Hermes. Hermes tells Odysseus that he can resist Circe's poison by using the herb Moly. Odysseus convinces Circe to release his men and then There is then quite a lot more story - but at the end Odysseus leaves with his men, and they can continue with their journey. Odysseus sent some men out and those men were turned into animals. When Odysseus tried to set them free she said she would not do it unless he lay with her.

Where is odyssey when the odyssey begins?

The Odyssey begins after the Trojan War when Odysseus sets sail to reach Ithaca -- His native land/home. It takes place in several different areas but mostly around Greece.

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