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Q: What role payment of tribute play in the government of the parthian empire?
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What empire seemed to bother Roman emperors too much?

The Parthian empire was always a thorn in the side of the Roman empire.The Parthian empire was always a thorn in the side of the Roman empire.The Parthian empire was always a thorn in the side of the Roman empire.The Parthian empire was always a thorn in the side of the Roman empire.The Parthian empire was always a thorn in the side of the Roman empire.The Parthian empire was always a thorn in the side of the Roman empire.The Parthian empire was always a thorn in the side of the Roman empire.The Parthian empire was always a thorn in the side of the Roman empire.The Parthian empire was always a thorn in the side of the Roman empire.

What empires existed in the 4th century?

Three empires immediately come to mind: the Roman empire, the Parthian/Persian empire and the Chinese empire.Three empires immediately come to mind: the Roman empire, the Parthian/Persian empire and the Chinese empire.Three empires immediately come to mind: the Roman empire, the Parthian/Persian empire and the Chinese empire.Three empires immediately come to mind: the Roman empire, the Parthian/Persian empire and the Chinese empire.Three empires immediately come to mind: the Roman empire, the Parthian/Persian empire and the Chinese empire.Three empires immediately come to mind: the Roman empire, the Parthian/Persian empire and the Chinese empire.Three empires immediately come to mind: the Roman empire, the Parthian/Persian empire and the Chinese empire.Three empires immediately come to mind: the Roman empire, the Parthian/Persian empire and the Chinese empire.Three empires immediately come to mind: the Roman empire, the Parthian/Persian empire and the Chinese empire.

What was the language of the Parthian Arsacid empire?

The official language of the Parthian Empire was Parthian, which is a Middle-Iranian Language (whereas Farsi is a Modern-Iranian Language). Aramaic was also commonly spoken as a vernacular in the western part of the Empire.

Why do you know more about the Roman Empire than the Parthian Empire?

Because records of the Roman Empire were preserved in Europe, whereas the Parthian Empire was conquered by teh Caliphate and its records largely destroyed.

How long did the parthian Empire Exist?


How did the Parthian Empire fall?

The roman emporer Trajan owned it lol

What empire conquered Iran by AD 160?

It was part of the Parthian Empire 248 BCE to 224 CE.

What is the term for payments that conquered people were forced to mak?

Tribute was the term for payments that conquered peoples had to make to the Roman empire. Once they were incorporated into the empire as a province, they paid taxes. The tribute could loosely be called a "punishment payment" for going to war against Rome.

What was a tribute empire?

A tribute empire is a collection of conquered or surrendered lands that give a ruling tribe or country a tribute in grain, slaves and human sacrifices.

How did the Romans get money from occupied provinces?

The Ancient Romans got money from conquered provinces by imposing taxes. Immediately after a conquest, they would also loot and require the payment of tribute, but as the province was integrated into the Roman Empire, taxes were the primary means by which money flowed from the provinces to the government.

What was the main benefit of expanding the empire?

The main benefit of expanding the empire was the tribute the conquered paid to Rome. This tribute could be either in money, grain or men for the army.The main benefit of expanding the empire was the tribute the conquered paid to Rome. This tribute could be either in money, grain or men for the army.The main benefit of expanding the empire was the tribute the conquered paid to Rome. This tribute could be either in money, grain or men for the army.The main benefit of expanding the empire was the tribute the conquered paid to Rome. This tribute could be either in money, grain or men for the army.The main benefit of expanding the empire was the tribute the conquered paid to Rome. This tribute could be either in money, grain or men for the army.The main benefit of expanding the empire was the tribute the conquered paid to Rome. This tribute could be either in money, grain or men for the army.The main benefit of expanding the empire was the tribute the conquered paid to Rome. This tribute could be either in money, grain or men for the army.The main benefit of expanding the empire was the tribute the conquered paid to Rome. This tribute could be either in money, grain or men for the army.The main benefit of expanding the empire was the tribute the conquered paid to Rome. This tribute could be either in money, grain or men for the army.

How did Cyrus style of government unify his empire?

policies of toleration, tribute, allow people to keep culture/religion, keep leaders, and etc.