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He is the sailor/ leader

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Q: What role does Odysseus play in The Odyssey?
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What role does the character Ino play in the Odyssey?

In the Odyssey, Ino plays the role of a sea goddess who helps Odysseus by giving him a magical veil that protects him from drowning. She is a benevolent figure who aids Odysseus on his journey home.

What role did Penelope play in the odyssey?

she was Odysseus's reason for returning home to Ithaca along with their son Telemachus

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Poseidon did not play really any role in the Trojan war but in the Odyssey he cursed Odysseus and created almost all of the problems he had to face.

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What role does the keyword "Odyssey" play in the epic poem "The Odyssey"?

The keyword "Odyssey" in the epic poem "The Odyssey" refers to the long and adventurous journey of the main character, Odysseus, as he tries to return home after the Trojan War. It symbolizes the challenges, trials, and personal growth Odysseus experiences throughout his journey, making it a central theme in the poem.

Questions for odyssey inclass essay?

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What role did Hermes play in aiding Odysseus during his journey in the epic poem "The Odyssey"?

Hermes, the messenger god in Greek mythology, aided Odysseus in "The Odyssey" by helping him escape from the island of the nymph Calypso. Hermes was sent by Zeus to deliver a message to Calypso to release Odysseus, allowing him to continue his journey back home to Ithaca.

What was Athena's role in the Odyssey?

To give wisdom to Odysseus on his journey back from the Trojan war

What role does Charybdis play in the Odyssey and how does she impact the journey of Odysseus and his crew?

In the Odyssey, Charybdis is a dangerous whirlpool that threatens to swallow ships. She impacts Odysseus and his crew by forcing them to navigate carefully to avoid being sucked in and destroyed. Her presence adds to the challenges and dangers they face on their journey home.

What role does Hermes play in the Odyssey and how does he influence the events in the epic?

Hermes, the messenger god in Greek mythology, plays a significant role in the Odyssey by aiding and guiding the hero, Odysseus. He influences the events in the epic by delivering messages from the gods to help Odysseus on his journey home. Hermes also assists Odysseus in his encounters with various characters, providing him with advice and protection. Overall, Hermes serves as a key figure in the story, facilitating Odysseus's return to Ithaca.

What does hebe do to Odysseus?

Hebe does not play a part in "The Odyssey", but is mentioned in Homer's "The Iliad".