The gods, are pretty much, the fate holders. Gods are known to be arrogant, so it is always best to remain in their favor. Odysseus, in the first part of the Odyssey, upsets Poseidon, so the whole time Poseidon is trying to prevent Odysseus from going home. (He eventually makes it though.)
well read the book
Hermes, the messenger god in Greek mythology, plays a significant role in the Odyssey by aiding and guiding the hero, Odysseus. He influences the events in the epic by delivering messages from the gods to help Odysseus on his journey home. Hermes also assists Odysseus in his encounters with various characters, providing him with advice and protection. Overall, Hermes serves as a key figure in the story, facilitating Odysseus's return to Ithaca.
she was Odysseus's reason for returning home to Ithaca along with their son Telemachus
It is his goal and motivation to return there throughout the epic.
they don't
The gods, are pretty much, the fate holders. Gods are known to be arrogant, so it is always best to remain in their favor. Odysseus, in the first part of the Odyssey, upsets Poseidon, so the whole time Poseidon is trying to prevent Odysseus from going home. (He eventually makes it though.)
well read the book
it is his home town therefore he is more powerful
Hermes, the messenger god in Greek mythology, plays a significant role in the Odyssey by aiding and guiding the hero, Odysseus. He influences the events in the epic by delivering messages from the gods to help Odysseus on his journey home. Hermes also assists Odysseus in his encounters with various characters, providing him with advice and protection. Overall, Hermes serves as a key figure in the story, facilitating Odysseus's return to Ithaca.
she was Odysseus's reason for returning home to Ithaca along with their son Telemachus
It is his goal and motivation to return there throughout the epic.
It is the launching place of Odysseus on his extended voyage home to Ithaca after Troy was destroyed.
In Homer's epic poem, "The Odyssey," Odysseus was making his treacherous 10-year journey home as the hero finally coming home after the war. He faces all kinds of obstacles and portrays hero-like qualities in this work.
They played a very significant role in this epic. They had supernatural powers and where there to help mortals and give their pity. For example, Athena assisted Odyesseus thorugh his journey and helped him arrange his plans to return to Ithaca. She watched his every step and guided him on his voyage. SHe also helped Telemakhos step out of his shadow and start his journey to manhood. She sets and example of an intelligent, sophisticated woman and can be regarded as an example of our modern women today. While, Circe and Calypso also helped Odysseus by providing him with information and advice before he took off towards his homeland. There is a god that is against Odysseus, Poseidon. He makes Odysseus's journey hard after Odysseus blinds the Cyclops. So the Gods can be looked on in both ways. Calypso does not help Odysseus; she goes against Zeus' will by holding captive him there on her island. Yes, they are lovers, but he is not happy there. She actually holds him captive there for seven years, and that by far is going against Zeus' hospitality rule.
In the Odyssey, Ino plays the role of a sea goddess who helps Odysseus by giving him a magical veil that protects him from drowning. She is a benevolent figure who aids Odysseus on his journey home.
There is a puppet play about Odysseus and others. Click link below to read about it!