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They lived on most of what is now Peru

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Q: What region did the Incas rule?
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When did the incas rule?


Which modern republics did the Incas rule?

The Incas ruled what is now Bolivia and Ecuador.

When the spanish exlporers discovered the vast wealth of the incas they?

When the Spanish explorers discovered the vast wealth of the Incas, they exploited the resources, enslaved the indigenous population, and seized control of the territory. This led to the downfall of the Inca civilization and the establishment of Spanish colonial rule in the region.

What is the language of the incas?

The language of the Incas was Quechua. It is still spoken by millions of people in the Andean region of South America today.

What region did the incas live in?

The Incas lived in the Andes mountain region of South America, primarily in present-day Peru. Their empire extended through parts of modern-day Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina.

Class structure From where did the incas believe this authority to rule came?

From rulers

What region did the Aztecs Incas and Mayans live in?

Mexico and in Central and South America

What is a theorotical prospect?

incas rule Aztecs are fat because they ate too many nachos

How long did it take the Incas to build their empire?

The Inca rule was for 2437 years 900BCE-1537AD

What biome were the Incas located in?

The Incas were located in the Andean mountain biome in South America. They built their empire in the rugged terrain of the Andes, adapting to the high altitude and varied climate of the region.

Something the makes travel from one region to the next easy in the Inca?

A region is an area that shares more than one characteristic

Did the incas migrate?

The Incas established their civilization in the Andean region of South America and did not migrate as a group. However, they did expand their empire through conquest and assimilation of other peoples and territories.