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Mudbrick walls

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Q: What protected the city state from enemies and unfriendly nomads?
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Was Athena a protector?

yes she was because that was her job as a goddess of wr she fought and PROTECTED the city-state she wanted to win by making bad things happen to other city-states

How did the Second Triumvirate raise money without imposing higher taxes on the Roman people?

The second Triumvirate carried out large scale proscriptions. Many supporters of the assassins of Caesar were declared enemies of the state. They were executed and their property was confiscated. This eliminated many enemies of the Triumvirate and raised a lot of money, as many of the proscribed people were rich.

Who did the ancient egyptians fight?

Answer 1Egypt really had no allies, so every other kingdom or state near Egypt, such as Libya, Nubia, the Canaanite States, Judah, Israel, Aramea, Phoenicia, Assyria, Babylonia, and Persia, were enemies of Ancient Egypt.There were periods where some of these states were relatively weak and came to Egypt as vassals. There were other times when Egypt conquered some of these states.Answer 2The Hyksos were enemies of Egypt. They took over Egypt in 1750 BC.

What is a Greek hilltop fortress?

An acropolis, acro = highest, polis = city, the citadel of a city which formed the basis and refuge of its defence against invaders.

Why was Sparta and Athens enemies?

They were polar opposites, Athens being a scholarly, open empire, with Sparta being a military state that detested change. Sparta had a powerful army, Athens had a powerful navy. Both were also ambitious and wanted to expand their reaches of influence. They were bound to bump heads a few times.

Related questions

What protected the city-state from enemies?

Mudbrick Wall

What protected the city state from enemies?

City States protected themselves by building up armies, and also they built walls around their cities for protection.

What is the meaning of corresponds?

The quality of being an enemy; hostile or unfriendly disposition., A state of opposition; hostility.

What is the correspond meaning of enmity?

The quality of being an enemy; hostile or unfriendly disposition., A state of opposition; hostility.

What are the release dates for Revolution Enemies of the State - 2013?

Revolution Enemies of the State - 2013 was released on: USA: 25 February 2013 (internet)

What contiguous state is protected by a coral reef?

No state is contiguous.

Why was north carolina considered a backward state?

Because North Carolina still is a backwards state

Why are we the bald eagle's enemies?

they are not they are the state bird.

Who was not considered enemies to the nazi state?


Who were likely to get arrested as enemies of the state in nazi Germany?

generally enemies of the state. These would include spies, saboteurs, terrorists, communists and other agitators. There were many groups that were arrested because they were anti-social, criminal or otherwise unwanted, but they were not arrested for being enemies of the state.

Who did the comity of Public Safety consider enemies of the State?

The committee of public safety considered environmental terrorist groups to be enemies of the state. Also, Muslim extremists

Are all state birds protected?

Yes because then the species might die if they arent protected