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She was the war prize between Agamemnon and achilles

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Q: What part did Chryseis play in the Trojan war?
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Was Dionysus part of the Trojan war?

No he was not part of the Trojan War

What war was the Trojan Horse part of?

The Trojan War

What were Chryseis' responsibilities?

Chryseis was in the Trojan war a slave and lover of Agamemnon who was later freed when Agamemnon was forced to give her up when Apollo set a plague upon the Greek army for not ransoming her at the request of her father Chryses. Her son by Agamemnon she named for her father.

Why did agamemnon wants to get briseis?

In the first book of the Iliad, Agamemnon enslaves her, as a war prize and refuses to allow her father, a priest of Apollo to ransom her. An oracle of Apollo then sends a plague sweeping through the Greek armies, and Agamemnon is forced to give Chryseis back in order to end it, so Agamemnon sends Odysseus to return Chryseis to her father. Agamemnon compensates himself for this loss by taking Briseis from Achilles, an act that offends Achilles, who refuses to take further part in the Trojan War.

What role did Aeneas play in the Trojan War?

the trojan hero

What group is best remembered for their part in the Trojan War?

The Mycenaeans were best remembered for their part in the epic Trojan War.

What part did Helen play in the Trojan war?

Helen is the husband of Menelaus. She was took away from Paris (of Troy)

Which play tells the story of the Trojan war?

The Trojan War is depicted in Homer's Book the Illiad.

What role did Andromache play in the Trojan war?

She was pictured as the perfect wife of Hector. Otherwise she had no part in it. She's a woman.

Was Demeter part of the Trojan war?
