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Q: What modern countries are in the Persia empire?
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What territory is the heart of the Persian empire?

Persia (modern Iran).

Which modern day country is where the old Persian Empire was?

Persia itself occupied today's Iran. The Empire stretched form today's countries Libya, through Egypt, the Middle East, Central Asia and Pakistan.

What modern was formerly known as Persia?

Modern Iran is where Persia originated, but during its peek expansion Persian Empire included most of the Middle East and Asia Minor.

What early empire was located in modern day Iran?

Elam which was later known as Persia.

Which countries in the Persian Empire were conquered?

All those except Persia itself and its ally Media.

Persia and Babylon?

Persia incorporated the Babylonian Empire into the Persian Empire.

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Francethat the answer

Was irag part of Iran?

yes some parts of todays Iraq was under control of great empire of Persia (Iran) Persia was one of the most power full countries like empire of china or roma in ancient world

What countries and regions became part of the perisan empire?

The countries absorbed by Persia included Media, the Babylonian Empire, the remnant of the Assyrian Empire, the Lydian Empire and other peoples in Asia Minor, Thrace, Syria, Parthia, the peoples of Central Asia, Egypt, Libya.

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What were two main events in the rise of Persian Empire?

Persia's conquest and absorption of the Babylonian Empire. Persia's takeover of the Lydian Empire.

What modern countries lie within the Aztec empire?

Around 2/3rds of modern Mexico