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Persephone became famous because of the myth of Hades kidnapping her into the Underworld.

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Q: What made Persephone famous?
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How was Persephone made?

Persephone was born to Demeter from Zeus.

What is hades famous for?

Ruling the Underworld and kidnapping Persephone.

How did Persephone be come famous?

People read about her tale and liked it.

What were Persephone's dogs names?

Persephone does not have a dog either on Earth, Olympus or in the Underworld. Her husband however had a very famous dog: Cerberus.

Where was Persephone worshiped?

i don't think they did worship persephone Any offerings to Persephone would have been made only during the autumn and winter and only alongside those made to Hades.

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What was Persephone most known for?

Hades kidnapped Persephone, forced her to marry him and made her queen of the underworld.

Is persephone the oldest?

No: Demeter and Hades were brother and sister, so older then Persephone, and after Persephone was made Queen of the Underworld she met gods and goddesses older still.

Did Persephone have a husband?

Yes she did. Hades, the god of the underworld fell in love with Persephone, daughter of the goddess, Demeter. One day, Hades kidnapped Persephone and made her his wife.

Who kidnapped Persephone and made her his wife?

in Greek mythology, Hades, god of underworld, kidnaps Persephone and makes her his wife.

Why was Persephone god of fertility?

Persephone is the goddess of the seasons, and the reason she is that, is simply that that's the way the ancient Greeks made it.

Does Demeter have any famous children?

Yes, Demeter has a famous child. Her name is Persephone, the goddess of spring and queen of the Underworld.