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The Latin word is 'attestari' meaning to confirm or bear witness to. This passed into Old French as 'Attester' and eventually into English as 'attest'

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Q: What is the word origin of the word attest?
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Make a sentence with the word attest?

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In the sense "disaster," first attest in 1848, figurative use of the French débâcle, a very specific word describing the violent breakup of a frozen river after a thaw.

Attest in a sentence?

The word attest means to prove something exists. A good sentence would be, I can attest that the bear was in the forest.

How do use attest in a sentence?

The word attest means to support, or back someone up. The following sentence uses the word attest. His parents can attest to the fact that his grades began to suffer once he started playing video games.

What is synonym for the word confirm?

Verify, attest.

A sentence for the word attest?

Unfortunately for the plaintiff, three independent witnesses were able to attest that he deliberately jumped in front of the defendant's vehicle.

What is the same word for conform?

affirm , approve , attest , authenticate

What is the future tense of attest?

The future tense of "attest" is "will attest."

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the origin is where the word came from but the specific origin of the word ballot is latin root word.

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