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she was wrapped in a rug because people wanted her dead an she was trying to get back into Rome

Caesar had summoned Cleopatra to Alexandria in order to mediate the dispute between her and her brother. However, Cleopatra as the enemy of her brother, would have been killed on sight, so she devised a way of wrapping herself in a rug (or a laundry bundle as some sources say) in order to be delivered to Caesar.

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Q: What is the story of Cleopatra wrapping herself up in a rug?
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How Cleopatra present herself to Julius Caesar?

She had herself rolled up in a rug and had the rug delivered to him as a gift.

How did Julius meet Cleopatra?

Cleopatra rolled herself in a rug and it got delivered to him

Who rolled herself up in a rug as a gift for Caesar Nefertiti or Cleopatra?


Did Cleopatra roll herself in a rug for Caesar?

Maybe is the best answer to your question.It is said that Cleopatra had herself rolled in a rug to gain access to Caesar by some sources, while other sources say she was in a laundry bag.

Why did Cleopatra roll in a rug?

Cleopatra wrapped herself in a rug or a mat to meet with Julius Caesar because it was about the only way she could think of to obey his summons without getting herself killed. Caesar summoned her to Alexandria in order to settle the war between Cleo and her brother. Cleopatra, if she came openly, would have put herself right into her brother's stronghold (Alexandria) and she would have been killed on sight.Cleopatra wrapped herself in a rug or a mat to meet with Julius Caesar because it was about the only way she could think of to obey his summons without getting herself killed. Caesar summoned her to Alexandria in order to settle the war between Cleo and her brother. Cleopatra, if she came openly, would have put herself right into her brother's stronghold (Alexandria) and she would have been killed on sight.Cleopatra wrapped herself in a rug or a mat to meet with Julius Caesar because it was about the only way she could think of to obey his summons without getting herself killed. Caesar summoned her to Alexandria in order to settle the war between Cleo and her brother. Cleopatra, if she came openly, would have put herself right into her brother's stronghold (Alexandria) and she would have been killed on sight.Cleopatra wrapped herself in a rug or a mat to meet with Julius Caesar because it was about the only way she could think of to obey his summons without getting herself killed. Caesar summoned her to Alexandria in order to settle the war between Cleo and her brother. Cleopatra, if she came openly, would have put herself right into her brother's stronghold (Alexandria) and she would have been killed on sight.Cleopatra wrapped herself in a rug or a mat to meet with Julius Caesar because it was about the only way she could think of to obey his summons without getting herself killed. Caesar summoned her to Alexandria in order to settle the war between Cleo and her brother. Cleopatra, if she came openly, would have put herself right into her brother's stronghold (Alexandria) and she would have been killed on sight.Cleopatra wrapped herself in a rug or a mat to meet with Julius Caesar because it was about the only way she could think of to obey his summons without getting herself killed. Caesar summoned her to Alexandria in order to settle the war between Cleo and her brother. Cleopatra, if she came openly, would have put herself right into her brother's stronghold (Alexandria) and she would have been killed on sight.Cleopatra wrapped herself in a rug or a mat to meet with Julius Caesar because it was about the only way she could think of to obey his summons without getting herself killed. Caesar summoned her to Alexandria in order to settle the war between Cleo and her brother. Cleopatra, if she came openly, would have put herself right into her brother's stronghold (Alexandria) and she would have been killed on sight.Cleopatra wrapped herself in a rug or a mat to meet with Julius Caesar because it was about the only way she could think of to obey his summons without getting herself killed. Caesar summoned her to Alexandria in order to settle the war between Cleo and her brother. Cleopatra, if she came openly, would have put herself right into her brother's stronghold (Alexandria) and she would have been killed on sight.Cleopatra wrapped herself in a rug or a mat to meet with Julius Caesar because it was about the only way she could think of to obey his summons without getting herself killed. Caesar summoned her to Alexandria in order to settle the war between Cleo and her brother. Cleopatra, if she came openly, would have put herself right into her brother's stronghold (Alexandria) and she would have been killed on sight.

Is the story about Cleopatra self in a carpet true?

There is no historical evidence to support the theory that Cleopatra smuggled herself into Julius Caesar's palace in a rug or carpet to seduce him. This is likely a romanticized myth that has been perpetuated over time.

Did Nefertiti roll herself up in a rug as a gift for Caesar?

No, Nefertiti live a thousand plus years before Cleopatra and never heard of Caesar.

How did Julius Julius Caesar meet Cleopatra?

Cleopatra VII meet Julius Caesar by hiding in a rolled up carpet and brought into Julius Caesar's royal chamber and made love with him.

Did Cleopatra really sneak into the palace in Alexandria by Persian rug?

yes :)

Did Cleopatra's brother try to killer her?

Yes. Her older brother and his advisers forced her into exile and if she returned to Alexandria they wold have killed her. That was the reason that she had to roll herself in a rug or mat or a whatever in order to get to Caesar as she had been ordered.

How did Cleopatra get into Julius Caesar's palace?

she rolled her self in a rug and was delivered to Julius ceaser

What are the release dates for The Story of a Prayer Rug - 1911?

The Story of a Prayer Rug - 1911 was released on: USA: 23 February 1911