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Menelaus of Sparta was commander of the Greek army. His wife Helen ran away with Paris prince of Troy so Menelaus went to get her back basically.

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Q: What is the roll of menalaus in Trojan war?
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Did Helen Start the Trojan War?

You could say yes. When the goddesses Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera fought over the Apple of Discord, the prince of Troy, Paris, was called to see who was the fairest. When Paris chose Aphrodite, Aphrodite gave him the married Helen, Queen of Sparta, to him as Paris' wife. When Helen's husband Menalaus found out, he was enraged and called the other city-states to aid him and fight the Trojan War. Thus the Trojan War began. After all those years Helen returned with Menalaus back to Sparta after the Greeks' victory.

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The romance of the "Trojan Horse." As years roll by, historians it seems, question the actual existence of the Trojan War, as they do the city of Troy itself.

Who was Helen of The Odyssey?

Helen was the wife of Agamemnon , King of Sparta. She went to Troy with Paris and in so doing caused the Trojan War. She is described as "The face that launched a thousand ships" Helen's sister was married to Agamemnon and later killed him. Helen was married to Menalaus.

Did Helen and Paris survive the Trojan wars?

Helen was captured by the greeks during the sack of troy and was given back to menalaus, paris was kiled before the sack of troy by Odysseus

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They helped him because of the promise that they would protect Helen on her way back from the Trojan's palace

What war was the Trojan horse built?

The Trojan War.

Was the Trojan war a surprise?

The Trojan War was a surprise.

Who was sirion in the Trojan war?

There was no Sirion in the Trojan War.

What war was the Trojan Horse part of?

The Trojan War

What does Athena persuade pandarus to do?

She persuades him to fire his arrow an Menalaus during the truce, thus re-igniting the war.

The lliad and the odyssey describe events related to which war?

the Trojan war because the poems talk about the war heros in the Trojan war.

Was Dionysus part of the Trojan war?

No he was not part of the Trojan War