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to count the number of people in the country

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Q: What is the purpose of the first Roman census?
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What Book was the first census since Roman times?

The Domesday Book

Who established the first roman census?

The first Roman census took place during the reign of Servius Tullius, the sixth king of Rome, which would have been sometime during 578-535 BC. The exact year is unknown.

What was the roman parlement called?

The census

Who was Census?

Census was not a person. The census was an early Roman form of registration of its citizens for taxation purposes. Today, the census is the government's way of finding out where people live and what they do.

Who issued a decree requiring a census of everyone in the roman empire?

Caesar Augustus required the census

When did Augustus issued a decree requiring a census of everyone in the Roman Empire?

Though many say there is no secular proof of a Census earlier than 1 AD, consider this article: 'The proof of history is in the "Chronicle of John Malalas", translated by Matthew Spinka (Univ. of Chicago Press, 1940). John Malalas was a historian of Antioch, Syria (c. 491-578 A.D.). On pages 32-33 he writes: "In the 39th year and the 10th month of his [Augustus'] reign he commanded the taking of a census of all his lands, including all that the Romans held during the consulship of Agrippa II, and of Donatus. And all the earth under the Romans was registered by Eumenes and Attalus, the Roman senators." So by using the October to October calendar Malalas used, it dates the issuance of the decree for this census to JULY, 5 B.C. There is one Suidas - another reliable authority - as well as many others, that add information about Augustus' decree, proving the census in Palestine was conducted the very next year - 4 B.C., the very time Christ was born! Therefore, it seems history does indeed have abundant evidence from both early Christians and early PAGANS to corroborate this census (see the excellent article in Unger's "Bible Dictionary" under "Chronology").' Extracted from Plain Truth article, "The Greatest Story Ever Told, Dec 1966, by Charles V. Dorothy.

For what purpose did Herman Hollerith invented his tabulating machine?

1890 US Census.

In what year was the first US census taken?

The first national census of the United States of America was in the year 1790. It has since been completed every ten years; but not until the 1850 census did the census-takers ask the names of every member of the household. Up until then, they only asked the name of the head of household and the number of inhabitants.

A census is taken for the purpose of realigning congressional?


In the Christmas story who said everybody had to go to their hometowns to be counted?

Decree of Caesar Augustus- the Roman Empire, the purpose was a census for Taxation purposes. No, Virginia it was not Rockefeller! account is found in the gospel of Luke.

When was the first census conducted in Kuwait?

The first census was conducted in 1957 in Kuwait

When was the first census of Alaska taken?

The first census of Alaska was taken in 1869. The census was taken at Sitka by the United States Army.