

What is the purpose of agoge?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What is the purpose of agoge?
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What did the Spartans do?

Spartans trained in the agoge daily. They fought their rivals in times of need.

What age does agoge end?

The agoge, or Spartan education system, typically ended around the age of 20 for young Spartan men. At this point, they would officially become full-fledged citizens and could participate in military campaigns.

How did the Spartans organize their education system?

Spartan boys were sent off to a boarding school called the agoge at the age of 7.

Where did spartan boys go at the age of 7?

The Agoge, where they would train to be soldiers.

Did spartan girls go to school?

yes- they went to a type of "agoge" like the spartan boys but they did not focus on military. they did wrestling and gymnastics and various calisthenics

How was he spartan training like?

At age 8 Spartan boys were taken from their mothers to enroll in the agoge, the name for the Spartan training system. The agoge lasted until age 30, when the Spartan became a full soldier. The agoge taught strength, speed, and cunning through vicious and rigorous constant training. Any misconduct resulted in a beating - the offender held onto to bars and was lashed with rods. Throughout all this, the Spartans became men and became bonded closer than brothers to each other. At the end, as a test of manhood, the Spartan was required to sneak out of the agelai, group, and kill a helot, or farmer-slave. If the Spartan was caught, he was beaten viciously, not for killing a helot, but for being caught.

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The Greek word for illumination is φωτισμός (fotismós).

What is an agogic?

An agogic is an accent in music which extends a note slightly beyond its usual time value.

When did the first public school open?

feb 13, 1776 The ancient Spartan agoge was funded with public funds and was mandatory for all male citizens.

Did the Spartans go to school?

Yes, Spartan boys were sent to military school called the Agoge at the age of 7 to undergo physical and military training, while also receiving education in warfare, survival skills, discipline, and Spartan values.

Homogeneous warrior class that ruled spartan city state?

the Homoioi or Spartiates. they were about 10,000 at their peak. they were at the top level of spartan society, though they did not rule the state, the two kings and ephors made the decisions. they trained in the agoge from the age of 7 to 20 then fought and trained fulltime in the army

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the purpose of this is to have a purpose