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The Aryan Caste System was used to separate themselves from the local population as a way to control them. They used the system to classify occupation, impose marriage restrictions, and determine the purity of a person.

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Q: What is the original purpose of the class system imposed by the aryans?
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What was the original purpose of the class system the Aryans imposed?

Control, quality, and stability were the original purposes of the Aryan-imposed class system in ancient India. The structure worked by categorizing people according to inherited occupations and socio-economic status.

What the original purpose of the class system imposed by the Aryans?

The Aryan Caste System was used to separate themselves from the local population as a way to control them. They used the system to classify occupation, impose marriage restrictions, and determine the purity of a person.

What is the purpose of the class system imposed by the Aryans?

The Aryan Caste System was used to separate themselves from the local population as a way to control them. They used the system to classify occupation, impose marriage restrictions, and determine the purity of a person.

What was the caste system of Aryans Society?

the caste system of the aryans society was created or originated by hinduismsthe caste system of the aryans society was created or originated by hinduisms

What long lasting effect did the aryans have in india?

The Aryans were responsible for the Indus Valley civilization. They drove out most of the original inhabitants of North India, called Dasyus, who were probably related to Andamanese and Austro-Asiatic language speaking tribes.

Who created caste system?

the aryans

Who invented the caste system?


Who established the caste system?

the aryans

Who introduced castes system to India?

the aryans

What effect did the Aryans have on India?

Caste System

Who brought the caste system to India?

The Aryans

Who is the person who invented the Caste System?

the aryans