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Q: What is the modern expressionthat refers to a person's weak spot and is based on a figure from greek mythology?
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What is the modern expression that refers to a persons weak spot and is based on a figure from greek mythology?

a person's "achilles heel"

Is Ares considered a modern mythology figure?

No, hew was a god from ancient times.

What is the modern expresion that refers to a person's weak spot and is based on a figure from Greek mythology?

The modern expression that refers to a person's weak spot which is based on a figure in Greek mythology is Achilles' heel. An Achilles' heel references a deadly weakness despite overall strength.

What is the modern expression that refers to a person weak spot and is based on a figure from greek mythology?

"Achilles Heel"

What is the modern expression that refers to a person's weak spot and is based on a figure from greek mythology?

An "Achilles heel" is a person with a weak spot.

Who is a modern day Pandora?

Pandora is a figure in Greek mythology who opened a jar releasing all that is evil in the world. In modern usage, the term 'opening a Pandora's box' means causing problems.

Who are some modern goddesses?

There are no modern goddesses of Greek mythology, it is mythology that dates back to ancient Greece.

Does Zeus influence society today?

As a figure in ancient Greek mythology, Zeus does not have a direct influence on modern society. However, the stories and themes associated with Zeus and Greek mythology continue to be significant in literature, art, and popular culture, often serving as inspiration for creative works and symbolic representations of power and authority.

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greek and roman mythology in a modern US

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A. Patton B. Amy Carmichael

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Your question is a non-sequitor as you do not say what modern figure. Restate your question, please.

What are modern day allusions in Edith Hamilton's Mythology?

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