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Q: What is the main idea of the Edict of ASHOKA?
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What are the achievements of ashoka?

Ashoka created edict columns that explained is laws, and belief. He erected numerous Buddhist monasteries and setups, regulated the slaughter of animals, and softened the harsh laws of his predecessors.

Who is ashokan pillar?

Pillar of Ashoka is a series of the columns that is dispersed throughout northern Indian subcontinent, erected or at least is inscribed with an edict by the Mauryan.

What battle was King Ashoka involved in?

King Ashoka was involved in Kalinga war-the main war of his reign.

How do you write a conclusion for a history project-ashoka the great?

Take the main idea of each paragraph and use it as a part of your summary. Restate the thesis of your paper in your conclusion and if you meet that purpose or not.

Who were ashoka's 4 main gods?

Cheddar, Fanaticalce, alexandria, and Orange

What was the decree that legalized Christianity in the roman empire?

The Edict of Milan.The Edict of Milan.The Edict of Milan.The Edict of Milan.The Edict of Milan.The Edict of Milan.The Edict of Milan.The Edict of Milan.The Edict of Milan.

Who made the ashoka chakra?

ashoka chakra was made by ASHOKA (Ashoka the great), the Indian emperor who ruled the Maurya Dynasty.

When did Kalinga War happen?

The war began in the 8th year of Ashoka's reign, probably in 261 BC. Ashoka's father Bindusara had previously attempted to conquer Kalinga, but had been repulsed. After a bloody battle for the throne after Bindusara's death, Ashoka tried to annex Kalinga. At that time the king of Kalinga was Raja Anantha padma nabhan. Ashoka was successful only after a savage war, whose consequences changed Ashoka's views on war and led him to pledge never to wage a war. It is said that in the aftermath of the Battle of Kalinga the Daya River running next to the battle field turned red with the blood of the slain; about 100,000 Kalinga civilians and more than 10,000 of Ashoka's own warriors were among those slain.Ashoka had seen the bloodshed with his own eyes. He felt that he was the cause of the destruction.Ashoka's response to the Kalinga War is recorded in the Edicts of Ashoka. According to some of these (Rock Edict XIII and Minor Rock Edict I), the Kalinga War prompted Ashoka, already a non-engaged Buddhist, to devote the rest of his life to Ahimsa (non-violence) and to Dhamma-Vijaya (victory through Dhamma). Following the conquest of Kalinga, Ashoka ended the military expansion of the empire, and led the empire through more than 40 years of relative peace, harmony and prosperity.

What was the sirname of ashoka?

Ashoka surname was maurya

Who built ashoka pillar?

emperor ashoka

What is stated and unstated main idea?

Ah, the main idea is like a happy little tree in a painting. The stated main idea is like the big tree in the center that you can see clearly. The unstated main idea is like the smaller trees and bushes around it that support and enhance the big tree, adding depth and beauty to the whole painting. Just remember, every idea, whether stated or unstated, is important and adds to the overall picture.

What is the name of king ashoka's father?

Ashoka's Father is Bindusara Ashoka's Mother is Maharani Dharma or Shubhadrangi