

What is the legend of Achilles?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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12y ago

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The legened is that when Achilles was fighting in the Trojan war he was hit by a bow and arrow and it killed him because when he was little he was dipped in a special river and the only part that that was not dipped was his Achilles heel

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Q: What is the legend of Achilles?
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What was Achilles occupation?

Achilles was a legendary Greek hero and warrior known for his role in the Trojan War. He was a skilled and fearless fighter, and his main occupation was as a warrior and leader of the Myrmidons.

What is an Acheillies heel?

It is your weakest piont. According to the legend, Achilles' mother dipped him into a miraculous water when he was a child holding him by his heel. This way Achilles became nearly invulnerable. Knowing this, the Trojan prince Paris shot him in the heel with a poisoned arrow, and Achilles died.

How is the term Achilles heel use today?

The term Achilles heel comes from the legend of Achilles, who was invincible in his body everywhere except his heel, after he was dipped into the river Styx. The term is used to describe a weakness, often a specific one, or a unique one. It can be physical or mental.

What was the problem with Achilles' heel?

According to legend, Achilles was dipped into the river Styx, causing him to become invincible, but since he was held up by his heel, that part didin't get dipped, and became his one vulnerable point.

What is the name of the Trojan warrior who killed Achilles in the Trojan War?

Paris killed Achilles, with an arrow (in his heel, the only vulnerable spot on his body). or the other legend is that Paris stabbed Achillies in the back with a dagger.

When did Achilles die in the Trojan War?

Legend says he died in the tenth year of the war in front of Troy, from an arrow of Paris.

According to legend how did Achilles die?

Achilles died when his enemy shot a poisoned arrow into his heel. Achilles' heel was the only part of his body that was vulnerable; as a baby, he had been dipped into the River Styx by his mother, who held onto him by his ankle. Achilles' immersion made him impervious to harm, but because his ankle did not contact the river, it remained mortal and vulnerable. The idiom "Achilles' heel" has come to mean a fatal flaw, a chink in one's armor.

How do you spell achiellies heal?

The spelling is "Achilles' heel" (a potentially disastrous weakness or vulnerability).(The idiom comes from the legend of Achilles, impervious to harm because he was dipped in the river Styx as an infant. His only weak point was where he was held, by his heel.)

What part of the body did wound when Achilles died?

Heel ...i suppose The legend of Achilles has it that he was dipped into the river Styx by his mother Thetis in order to make him invulnerable. His heel wasn't covered by the water and he was later killed by an arrow wound to his heel.

What is the origin of the idiom Achilles' heel?

According to legend, when the mythical Greek hero Achilles was a baby his mother dipped him in the waters of the River Styx. This made him invulnerable to all weapons, except at the spot where she held him on the heel. Achilles went on to be the greatest hero and champion of the Greeks during the Trojan War. However after many victories he was shot by an arrow on the heel, and died of his wound.Therefore an "Achilles Heel" is a weak spot that can ruin the success of the best of efforts.

Why do you refer to something weak as the Achilles heel?

The term "Achilles heel" dates back to old Greek legends, which tell of a hero named Achilles, who's entire body was indestructible, except for a small area on the back of his heel. This made him a feared warrior, as he could not be damaged by weapons, until another warrior named Paris discovered his one weakness, his heel, and shot him in the heel with an arrow. The legend of Achilles is part of "The Iliad" by Homer. "Achilles heel", thus, refers to any specific weakness or vulnerability.

What is the meaning of Achilles' heel?

It is a person's point of weakness. Achilles, according to legend, was dunked in the River Styx by his mother Thetis when he was a baby. She wanted to make him immortal. While dunking him, she held him by the heel. This is the only body part that was not immortal. During the Trojan War, Paris shot him in the heel, killing him. His heel was his only weak point, hence his "Achilles Heel.'