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Q: What is the greatest contribution of the neolithic age in our history?
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What is the era of human history that is divided into Paleolithic Mesolithic and Neolithic called?

The Stone Age

What is another name for the new stone age is the?

The Neolithic time period or the Neolithic Age.

What era of human history is usually divided into the paleolithic the Mesolithic and the Neolithic periods?

Stone age

What advancement brought the most dramatic changes in early human history?

Neolithic Stone Age

What is a neolithic age?

The Neolithic Age, also known as the New Stone Age, was a period in human history characterized by the development of agriculture and the domestication of animals. It followed the Paleolithic Age and is marked by the transition from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities. This era saw the use of more sophisticated tools and the beginnings of pottery and weaving.

What is another term for new stone age?

Another term for the New Stone Age is the Neolithic Age.

What are the two other names of the Neolithic revolution?

neolithic age, new stone age

Why was it called the neolithic age?

The term "Neolithic Age" comes from the Greek words "neo," meaning new, and "lithos," meaning stone. It refers to the period in human history when tools and weapons were made out of polished or ground stone.

What is the neolithic era?

The Neolithic Era, also known as the New Stone Age, was a period in human history characterized by the development of agriculture, domestication of animals, and the use of polished stone tools. It marked the transition from a nomadic, hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled communities and the beginning of farming practices. The Neolithic Era began around 10,000 BCE and ended around 2,000 BCE with the advent of the Bronze Age.

What do you understand by term Neolithic age?

The Neolithic Age, also known as the New Stone Age, was a period in human history characterized by the development of agriculture and the domestication of animals. It saw the transition from a nomadic, hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled communities that engaged in farming. The Neolithic Age is considered a major turning point in the development of civilization.