

What is the earliest veda?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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Q: What is the earliest veda?
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Rig Veda is the first Veda of the four Vedas.

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Rig Veda is the first Veda of the four Vedas.

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It means veda.

What is the rgveda?

It is the Rig Veda and not rgveda. In Hinduism, there are four such vedas, Rig Veda-the oldest, Sama veda, Atharva Veda and the Yajur Veda. These are considered to be sacred and they enlighten a human on how to lead a life peacefully and what salvation means.

Which one is the oldest Veda?

RigVeda is the oldest veda

Which veda is a collection of spells and incantations?

yajur veda