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A preceding thing or event.

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Q: What is the definition for antecedent?
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What is the literary definition of an 'antecedent'?

In a literary way, antecedent is defined as the word, phrase, or cause that is referred to by a pronoun or relative adverb - for example, "This is the house that Jack built." House is the antecedent of that.

What is the Definition of a pronoun antecedent?

The antecedent is the noun or noun phrase that a pronoun replaces in a sentence.Example: When George got to 19th Street, he got off the train. ("George" is the antecedent of the pronoun "he.")

How do you know if the relative pronoun has a antecedent?

A relative pronoun always has an antecedent. The definition of a relative pronoun is a word that intoruduces a relative clause that relates back to the antecedent.Examples:You, who asked the question, now have an answer. (you is the antecedent)Or:You may ask the teacher who assigned the work. (teacher is the antecedent)

What is the correct definition of a pronoun's antecedent?

A pronoun's antecedent is the noun or phrase to which the pronoun refers in a sentence. It is the word that the pronoun replaces or stands for. Clarity and agreement between the pronoun and its antecedent are important to ensure the meaning of the sentence is understood.

What is the definition of object pronoun that agrees in number with its antecedent?

The term pronoun-antecedent is the term for the agreement of a pronoun with its antecedent. Pronouns and antecedents must agree in number (singular or plural), person (first, second, or third person), and gender (male, female, neutral).

What is the correct definition of the term antecedent as it relates to pronouns?

The antecedent of a third person pronoun is a noun for which the pronoun substitutes. This antecedent is the closest noun that agrees in number and gender with the pronoun and precedes the pronoun in the speech or writing that includes the pronoun. Preferably the antecedent is in the same sentence. A first or second person pronoun does not need any explicit antecedent: The antecedent of a first person pronoun is the speaker/writer or group of speakers/writers and the antecedent of a second person pronoun is the reader(s)/listener(s).

What word does this definition go to this is the noun or the pronoun to which the pronoun refers?

The antecedent is the noun or the pronoun to which the pronoun refers.Example: When George got to 19th Street, he got off the train. ("George" is the antecedent of the pronoun "he.")

What is the literary definition of antecedent action?

something that happened before the play begins. or An action understood to have happened in the past.

What is the correct definition of an antecedent of a pronoun?

The antecedent of a pronoun is the noun or pronoun that the pronoun replaces. Examples:Michael took the bus to Fourteenth Street where he got off.The pronoun 'he' takes the place of the noun antecedent 'Michael'.I enjoyed the book. I think you will like it.The pronoun 'she' takes the place of the noun antecedent 'Mary'.Jeff and Matt said they plan to try out for the baseball team.The pronoun 'they' takes the place of the compound noun subject antecedent 'Jeff and Matt'.You and I can do this ourselves.The pronoun 'ourselves' takes the place of the compound pronoun subject antecedent 'you and I'.

What are some examples of pronouns with their antecedent?

"He was tired." (Antecedent: John) "She is a doctor." (Antecedent: Sarah) "They are going to the store." (Antecedent: the children) "It is raining." (Antecedent: the weather)

How can you put antecedent in a sentence?


What is antecedent agreement?

Antecedent agreement refers to ensuring that pronouns agree in number and gender with the nouns they are referring to. This helps to clarify the meaning of a sentence and avoid confusion for the reader. Maintaining antecedent agreement is an important aspect of writing clearly and effectively.