The abstract noun form of the adjective 'grievous' is grievousness.
Yes, the noun wrath is an abstract noun, a word for an emotion.
The abstract noun form of the noun hero is heroism (also a common noun).
The abstract noun related to the adjective 'heroic' is heroism.
The abstract noun forms of the adjective infamous are infamousness and infamy.
Yes, the noun 'atonement' is an abstract noun as a word for reparation for a wrong or injury; a word for a concept.
For grieve to mean expressing sorrow, the noun form is grief. For grieve meaning to air a complaint ot wrong, the noun is grievance.
Yes, the noun astonishment is an abstract noun, a word for an emotional reaction.
Is undergone an abstract noun
Concrete noun
The abstract noun is criticism.
The noun 'hopefulness' is an abstract noun, a word for an emotion.
The abstract noun is obligation.
Friendship has not abstract noun because It is a abstract noun
Abstract noun of hopeless
The abstract noun form is tourism.
The abstract noun for the adjective quick is quickness.
The abstract noun for the adjective vacant is vacantness. Another abstract noun form is vacancy.