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Q: What is the Roman name for the Greek goddess Athena?
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Who is Athena the goddess greek name?

The Greek name of the Greek goddess Athena is Athena. In Roman mythology the goddess Athena was associated with Minerva.

How Athena have roman name?

Athena had the Roman name of Minerva. Minerva was a Roman goddess closely associated with the Greek goddess Athena.

What was the greek name of Athena?

Athena is the Greek name of a Greek goddess. Her Roman counterpart was Minerva.

What is god Athena roman name?

Athena is a female goddess, not a male god. The Roman goddess Minerva is the equivalent to the Greek goddess Athena.

What is the greek name of the roman goddess Minerva?

The Greek name is Athene or Athena.

What is the Roman name for the goddess of wisdom?

The name of the Roman goddess of wisdom is Minerva. Her Greek equivalent is Athena.

What was Minerva's greek name?

The Greek counterpart of the Roman goddess, Minerva, was Athena.

What is Athena's name in Latin?

The Roman goddess of wisdom, the equivalent of the Greek Pallas Athena, was Minerva.

What is Athena's Roman name?

The Romans equated the Greek goddess, Athena, with Minerva. Minerva is the goddess of wisdom, music, poetry, medicine, and magic and is sponsor of arts, strategy, and trade. She is often depicted with an owl, symbolizing her wisdom.Minerva.Athena was the Greek goddess of wisdom and battle, and her Roman equivalent is Minerva. Athena/Minerva's symbol is the owl, and she is the daughter of the lord of the skies, Zeus (Greek) or Jupiter. (Roman)The roman name for the goddess, Athena, is Minerva. She is the goddess of wisdom, battle stradegy, and art/craft.

Where was goddess Minerva from?

Minerva was the Roman name for Athena, an ancient Greek goddess of weaving, war, and strategy.

Is Athena's Roman Name Minerva or Bologna?

The Romans associated their goddess, Minerva (goddess of poetry, medicine, wisdom, commerce, weaving, crafts, magic) with the Greek goddess Athena. Bellona was a Roman goddess of war, more similar to Enyo in Greek mythology.

What are alternative names for the Greek goddess Athena?

The Greek Goddess, Athena, was the goddess of wisdom, arts, and crafts. Her Roman name was Minerva and her Egyptian name was Neith.