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His name is transliterated in Latin as Thanatus, but his equivalent in Roman Mythology is Mors or Letus/Letum, and he is sometimes identified erroneously with Orcus (Orcus himself had a Greek equivalent in the form of Horkos, God of the Oath).

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Q: What is the Roman name for Thanatos?
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How did Thanatos get his name?

The Greek word for 'Death' is thanatos.

Who is the roman equivalent of Thantos?

Do you mean the Roman equivalent of Thanatos? If so, the Roman equivalent is Mors. Hope that helps, and have a great day!

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Hypnos is the god of sleep. His brother Thanatos is the god of death.

What is Mors Greek name?

I think that the greek name for Mors is Thanatos.

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Thanatos is the Greek god of death.

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