The word nectarine comes from the word nectar, which is Greek for "the drink of the gods."
Origin: Greek, meaning: 'Healer'
The origin of this word is Latin - from Opulentus
It is of Greek origin, and its meaning is "bright, radiant".
Is of Greek origin (ΚΡΕΜΜΥΔΑΣ).
The Florentina or citron hybrid of Florence is very fragrant citrus fruit named after the city of its origin. It is not related to the nectarine, but is somewhat similar to a lemon.
Persephone has a Greek origin.
Thank you for the nectarine. Given a choice, I'd rather have a nectarine. Is that purple spot on the nectarine a bruise?
The origin is Greek
No, a nectarine is a fruit.
The origin is from the greek word "ploutos" meaning wealth
The Origin is Greek. (:
I don't believe gossip to be Greek in origin. Phluarus is Greek for a type of idle chatter.
No, she is of Lebanese origin.
greek is the origin of oceanography
greek origin meaning remember
The origin is Greek