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a magical city , the first of the aztecs wich covered what is now the southwest united states

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Q: What is the Aztec legend of aztlan?
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When did the Aztecs leave Aztlan?

The Aztecs left Aztlan in 1519 during the 16th century. The Aztec Empire lasted from 1428 to 1521, almost 100 years.

What was the Aztecs' currency?

Cocoa and gold were the main forms of currency in Aztlan (Aztec's country).

Where is the Aztec originated from?

The Aztecs originated from AZTLAN =]... but on my test it said region_________________ and__________________! PLEASE HELP ME!!

Why the Aztec's were called Aztec's?

The Aztecs original name is "Mexica", europeans called them Aztecs because of Aztlan, the area basically western u.s.(California) It's not the proper name to call them unless they we"re still in Aztlan, Mexica are what they are. You pronounce it like Mexico but the x makes a sh sound. ME-SHE-KA

Why were the Aztec called Aztec?

The Aztecs original name is "Mexica", europeans called them Aztecs because of Aztlan, the area basicaly western u.s.(California) It's not the proper name to call them unless they we're still in Aztlan, Mexica are what they are. You pronounce it like Mexico but the x makes a sh sound. ME-SHE-KA...............lmao :P

Where did the Aztecs get their name from?

Aztec's (Mexica) got their name from archaeologists. The true name for the group of people is Mexica. When they walked the land and were asked what they were, they replied Mexica and not Aztec. Aztec can refer to a person who has origins in Aztlan. Aztlan is the land the United States stole from Mexico in the Mexican-American war and is part of the land the indigenous people known as the Mexica walked through after crossing over the Bering Straits, to get to this continent.

What actors and actresses appeared in Aztec Legend - 2004?

The cast of Aztec Legend - 2004 includes: Richard Azurdia as Priest

Why do the Aztecs call there selves Aztecs for?

They called themselves Mexica. An American writing a book coined the term Aztec to distinguish the ancient generation of Mexicans from the current generation. He came up with the name Aztec off of their homeland called Aztlan. The man who coined the name Aztec, was a German traveler in the early eigtheenth century and he thought of the name since the Mexicans came from a town called Aztlan, but the Mexicans never called themselves that.

Whers the original location of the Aztec empire?

They claimed to have come from a place called Aztlan, north of Mexico but nobody really knows where this place might be.

Who built the Aztec culture?

Tenoch was an Aztec King between 1347 - 1366, according to a legend he was guided to the place by a legend and there he built Technotitlán, also the start of the Aztec culture.

What is the Aztec legend of the Mexican flag?

The legend says that the Aztecs were a tribe that came from the northern part of Mexico (Aztlan). One of their gods (Huitzilopochtli) told them that they should build a city in the place where they found an eagle eating a snake, on top of a cactus. The Aztecs found this sign in the Lake of Texcoco. Therefore, they built their city on the top of the lake. Nowadays, Mexico City. This symbolism is kept in the flag.

Was the Aztec people given their name from the spanish?

No, the Aztec people were not given their name by the Spanish. Their name, "Aztec," actually comes from the word "Aztlan," which was their legendary homeland. The Spanish adopted this term from Nahuatl, the language spoken by the Aztec people.