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Q: What is one of the 20 provinces into which darius divided the Persian empire?
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What did Darius divide the Persian Empire into?

Twenty Satrapies (Provinces).

Who organized the Persian Empire into 20 provinces?

King Darius the Great.

What is the term for one of 20 provinces into which Darius I divided the Persian Empire?

The term used by the Persians was Satrapy, the governor was a Satrap. These are Anglicised words from the Persian language original.

Why did Augustus divide the empire into provinces?

I guess you refer to Darius I (the Great) the third king of the Achaeminid Empire (the Persian Empire at its greatest extent). He divided the empire into provinces and placed satraps (governors) to administer them. It was a creation of administrative subdivisions.

Which Persian king divided the empire into provinces and built roads to connect the large territory?

Cyrus the Great and his successors Darius the Great and Artaxerxes.

Darius divded the Persian Empire into how many provinces each to be ruled by a governor?

Twenty provinces (Satrapies).

How did Darius unify the Persian Empire?

He established secure boundaries and divided the empire into 20 provinces each with a governor responsible for internal and external security, overseen by himself and his council.

Did Darius unify the Persian empire?

He established secure boundaries and divided the empire into 20 provinces each with a governor responsible for internal and external security, overseen by himself and his council.

What Persian leader was responsible for constructing the Royal Road and for reorganizing the empire into provinces?

Darius I

What a satrapies?

the 20 states into which darius divided the Persian empire

What is satrapies?

the 20 states into which darius divided the Persian empire

Why did Darius created satrapies?

He divided his empire into 20 provinces, each with a Persian provincial governor responsible for internl and external security, developing trade and commerce, and collecting taxes.