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Q: What is a oracle bone from the Chinese?
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What were oracle bones and what were they used for?

An oracle bone is a piece of ox or turtle bones which were used by the Chinese for pyromancy.

Use the word oracle bone in a sentence?

The oracle bone was priceless.

Which year were the Chinese numeral invented?

Most Chinese numerals of later period were descendants from Shang dynasty oracle numerals of 14th century B.C. The oracle bone script numerals were found on tortoise shell and animal bones.

What has the author Frank Herring Chalfant written?

Frank Herring Chalfant has written: 'The Couling-Chalfant collection of inscribed oracle bone =' -- subject(s): Antiquities, Bone carving, Chinese Inscriptions, Divination, History, Inscriptions, Chinese, Sources

What is the oracle bone on poptropica?

the oracle is a girl who can see the future

How many syllables in oracle bone?

There are 4 syllables. Or-a-cle - bone.

What are facts about Chinese oracle bones?

Chinese oracle bones were used for divination. Shang kings of China used Chinese oracle bones to carve questions to ask, from deceased ancestors. They were originally sold as dragon bones for medicine purposes.

What is oracle bone reaDING?

Oracle bone reading is a form of divination that was practiced in ancient China. It involved inscribing questions on bones or turtle shells, heating them until they cracked, and interpreting the resulting patterns to predict the future or seek guidance from ancestors. The inscriptions are considered some of the earliest known examples of Chinese writing.

When and where was Chinese developed?

No absolute answer to both questions. The only absolute answer should be given to the question: When and where was evidence of written Chinese discovered? And the answer is 1898 in Anyang,Henan province.The evidence is called Oracle Bone Script.The script is a form of pictograph.

The earliest chinese writing was found on?

oracle bones

What did Chinese use to predict the future?

oracle bones

What are oracle bones?

Earliest example of Chinese writing found in the Shang dynasty Example: The kings ask the gods' help using a oracle bone by scratching their questions into there and then, priests place hot metal rods inside causing them to crack. They believed the patterns in the crack was the gods' answer.