Dionysos (Roman name Bacchus) - Greek god of Wine. His symbols are the grape vine, ivy, and thyrsus.
I have never heard of a Dionisio, but Dionysus is a Greek god. He is the god of wine, his animal is the tiger, and his symbol is grapes.
Dionysus was the Greek god of wine.
Dionysus is the Greek god of wine, revelry, and drunkenness, in ancient Rome, this god was called Bacchus.
The Greek God Dionysus. He is the God of wine.
The tiger is Dionysus' symbol, not the ivy.
I have never heard of a Dionisio, but Dionysus is a Greek god. He is the god of wine, his animal is the tiger, and his symbol is grapes.
Dionysus is Greek His Roman name was Bacchus
The most famous symbol of Dionysus is the grapevine, since he was the god of wine. The leopard is another symbol of his.
Dionysus was the Greek god of wine.
Dionysus was the Greek god of wine.
In Greek myth, Dionysus died to become a god. As a Greek god, he does not die.
Himself, as Dionysus is a Greek god.