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Wisdom and war.

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wisdom and war.

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Q: What is Athena responsible for?
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What is Athena area of responsibility?

she is responsible of the city/capital Athens

What is the goddess Athena responsible for?

Athena is the goddess of war, wisdom, and the useful arts (farming, spinning, weaving, & music). her symbols are the owl, chariot, and olive branch.

What did Athena feels?

She feels passionate for a good cause, angry at Aphrodite, and responsible for mortal knowledge

Who is responsible for holding Dawn at bay while Penelope and Odysseus spend their first night together?


What was the goddess Athena responsible for?

Athena, as a mythical goddess, is not responsible for anything. For the Greeks, she did many things. Some of the most famous is turning Arachne into a spider, inventing the olive tree and getting Athens named after her, being the mother of Daedalus, getting involved in the Trojan War, and being born out of Zeus's head although she wasn't really responsible for that.

Who was Athena's consort?

Athena did not have a consort. That is why she is called Athena the Virgin.

What is Greek for Athena?

the greek name for Athena is Athena or Athene.

What nicknames does Athena Stamos go by?

Athena Stamos's birth name is Athena Ariella Stamos.

What is the famous temple to Athena in the Acropolis?

The Parthenon, dedicated to Athena Parthenos = Athena virgin.

Who carved the statue of Athena?

The Athena Parthenos and the Athena Promachos were made byPhidias.

Who is stronger the phoenix or Athena?


What was Athena's actions?

what is athena actions