Zeus had mated with Metis who became pregnant, after hearing that any child she produced would be stronger than himself he swallowed Metis.
soon Zeus had a terrible headache and called Hephastus to take his hammer and split open his head. when this was done Athena came out fully clad in armour.
The olive branch became a symbol of the Greek goddess of wisdom, Athena, after she gave the olive tree to the Athenians.
Athena did not have a consort. That is why she is called Athena the Virgin.
the greek name for Athena is Athena or Athene.
According to myth, Zeus heard a prophecy that stated that he would be overthrown by his newborn child around the time Athena's mother was pregnant. Worried, Zeus ate Athena's mother to prevent such prophecy from happening. When the baby was supposed to be born, Zeus got a splitting headache and asked Hephaestus to open his head with an axe, Hephaestus complied, and out popped Athena from her father's head, clothed in battle armor, clutching a spear and uttering a war cry.
she was poisedens girlfriend, but athena caught them making out in her temple, so she turned medusa into an ugly monster along with her other 2 sisters the became known as the 3 gorgans
Athena's origin is Greek Mythology
picture of athena
It's Athena, and she was born from the head of Zeus. This is the origin of the phrase "brain child."
Athena is one of the few Olympians whose name is a mystery. Most of the gods and goddesses have named that relate to the realms under their control, but the etymology and origin of Athena is currently lost to the ages.
Erikhthonios is at times called her son; for he was adopted and raised by Athena, becoming King of Athens when he had grown. In origin Erikhthonios was born of the earth, Gaia, after the seed of Hephaestus fell from heaven in his attempt to rape Athena.
Arachne was a girl who said her weaving was better than Athena's, the goddess of weaving. Her and Athena had a contest, and Arachne's work was deemed better. Athena then tore up Arachne's work. Out of shame Arachne tried to hang herself. Athena saved her and made hera spider. See link below for more details.
Arachne was a girl who said her weaving was better than Athena's, the goddess of weaving. Her and Athena had a contest, and Arachne's work was deemed better. Athena then tore up Arachne's work. Out of shame Arachne tried to hang herself. Athena saved her and made hera spider. See link below for more details.
Medusa had long flowing hair and was known to be one of the most prettiest goddesses until Athena turned her into a monster
The olive branch became a symbol of the Greek goddess of wisdom, Athena, after she gave the olive tree to the Athenians.
The name 'Palladium' comes from the ancient city of Troy, where a statue of the goddess Pallas Athena, called the Palladium, was believed to protect the city. Palladium is also a rare silver-white metal named after the goddess Athena's epithet, Pallas.
Athena did not have a consort. That is why she is called Athena the Virgin.
the greek name for Athena is Athena or Athene.