The Greek name was Apollo.
He was the father of Paul Revere. Apollos Rivoire changed his name to Paul Revere and named his son after him. this answer is wrong dont go to this site
He does not have a Roman name.
Hyperion doesn't have a Roman name.
ANSWER: His roman name is Apollo.
Apollo's name in both Greek and Roman mythology was Apollo.
Aphrodite was identified with Venus; Apollo with Apollon.
Apollos moms name is Leto im pretty sure.
Yes and the name is Apollo not Apollos
Apollos roman name is the same. because he is one of the most important gods so the romans lief is name how is now.
The Greek god Apollo was adopted by the Romans. He retained his name which was latinised as Apollo. There were several versions of the name in Greek; Apollon, Apellon and Aploun.
Apollos Rivoire's wife's name was Jacinthe-Geneviรจve Guรฉrin.
The Greek name was Apollo.
The Bible does not say.
Apollos Revoire