"Cyriacus" is an English equivalent of the Greek name Κυριάκος (Kyriákos). The masculine proper name historically refers to Saint Cyriacus the Anchorite (A.D. 448-555) and serves as a fore- and sur-name in modern times. The pronunciation will be "KEE-ree-A-kos" in Aeginan Greek.
"Transition" is an English equivalent of the Greek word μετάβαση. The Romanized spelling is metávasi. The pronunciation will be "meh-TA-va-see" in Aeginan Greek.
"Fear" is an English equivalent of the Anglicized Greek word phobos. The masculine singular noun in its nominative form as the subject of a phrase or sentence may be written in Greek as φόβος (phóbos). The pronunciation will be "FO-vos" in Aeginan Greek.
'Demos' (Greek) means 'people ' in modern English. Modern words using 'demos; are democracy ; the rule of the people demonstration ; a view of the people demography ; a writing/information about a person/people.
"(He) is massively risen!" is an English equivalent of the Greek phrase Aνέστακας! The phrase most famously references a variation by Greek novelist Nikos Kazantzakis (Feb. 18, 1883-Oct. 26, 1957) on the Orthodox Easter observation Χριστός Ανέστη (Christos anesti, "Christ is risen!"). The pronunciation will be "(KREE-stos) a-NEY-sta-kas" in Aeginan Greek.
"Christ is massively risen!" is an English equivalent of the Greek phrase Χριστός ανέστακας! The phrase serves as a variation by Greek novelist Nikos Kazantzakis (Feb. 18, 1883-Oct. 26, 1957) on the traditional Orthodox Easter observation Χριστός Ανέστη (Christos anesti, "Christ is risen!"). The pronunciation will be "KREE-stos a-NEY-sta-kas" in Aeginan Greek.
"Zebra" in English is Ζέβρα in Greek.
"Oasis" in English is Όαση in Greek.
"Fall" in English is πτώση in Greek.
"Sisters" in English is αδελφές (adelfes) in Greek.
Εθνική (ethniki) in Greek is "national" in English.
"Great grandmother" in English is progiagiá (Προγιαγιά) in Greek.
σωμα means body in ancient greek literally translated as soma
French translations of the Bible have been translated from Greek and Hebrew into French. English translations have been translated from Greek and Hebrew into English
"Faithful and skillful" in English is pistos kai epidexios in Greek.
Ese kala? (Είσαι Καλά?) in Greek is "Are you well?" in English.
"Friends" in English is fíloi (Φίλοι) in Greek.